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Johnsen, Torbjørn M., Wenche Eikrem, Christine D. Olseng, Knut E. Tollefsen, and Vilhelm Bjerknes, 2010. Prymnesium parvum: The Norwegian Experience. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(1):6-13. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2009.00386.x Abstract: In Norwegian waters, Prymnesium parvum has been reported from Oslofjorden in the south to Spitzbergen in the north. However, blooms of P. parvum have only been reported from the Sandsfjorden system in Ryfylke, Western Norway where the salinity of the permanent brackish layer (2-5 m) typically is in the range of 4-7 psu during the summer months. The first bloom on record occurred in 1989, and it killed 750 metric tons of caged salmon and trout which was a significant economic loss to the fish farming industry. Toxic blooms occurred as well in subsequent years and the number of fish farms in the area decreased considerably as did the occurrence of P. parvum. In 2005, fish farming was reintroduced to the area and again, in 2007 a toxic bloom of P. parvum killed 135 metric tons of caged fish. The Norwegian Institute for Water Research has, in collaboration with “Erfjord Stamfisk” fish farm, set up a monitoring program that includes light microscopy cell counts of Prymnesium, water quality measurements, and observation of the caged fish. A submergible fish net was mounted over the fish pens and during the toxic outbreak of P. parvum in July-August 2007, which was as previous years confined to the upper brackish water layer, the fish nets were lowered to 10 m depths below the surface and fish feeding was temporarily stopped. Despite substantial weight loss, the fish survived the toxic bloom and the economic loss was minimal. Monitoring of P. parvum bloom dynamics in 2007 revealed that populations were initially dominated by the nonmotile forms which were gradually replaced by the flagellated forms. Toxicity was observed when the flagellated cells dominated populations in the summer. Chrysochromulina, solitary small Chaetoceros species, and small centric diatoms co-existed with P. parvum during the monitoring period (June-October).  相似文献   
We analyze trends of some nitrogen compounds using long-term measurements and results from the EMEP (co-operative programme for monitoring and evaluation of the long-range transmissions of air pollutants in Europe) chemical transport model at EMEP sites. We find statistically significant declines at the majority of sites for NH(x) (sum of ammonia and ammonium) in air and for nitrate and ammonium in precipitation, but only at a few sites for xNO3 (sum of nitrate and nitric acid) in air. Model calculations and measurements give similar results. We demonstrate that the lack of trends for xNO3 in air at least partly can be attributed to a shift in the equilibrium between nitric acid and ammonium nitrate towards particulate phase, caused by reductions in the sulfur dioxide emissions.  相似文献   
Norwegian Protected Landscapes aim to preserve landscape character. As most of the agricultural land in Protected Landscapes is privately owned, the attitudes and behaviour of farmers are crucial in achieving this goal. We present results of a nationwide questionnaire to farmers who owned or managed farmland in Protected Landscapes. Thirty-eight percent of the respondents claimed that their farm business had been changed as a consequence of landscape protection. Niche products and alternative income possibilities, commonly forwarded as potential benefits of landscape protection status, had generally not been realised. Although we found that most farmers agreed on the importance of taking care of cultural landscapes, 76% felt that this was best done by using rather than protecting the landscape. The study revealed negative attitudes towards municipal authorities. A quarter of respondents were strongly against the establishment of new Protected Landscapes, even if they were compensated for economic losses. Based on results of the study we suggest that major improvements to the protection system could be made by improving communication between management authorities and farmers, and ensuring real involvement of farmers in making and carrying out management plans.  相似文献   
Within the European monitoring network (EMEP, ) several different sampling procedures for measuring the main air components have been applied. This has contributed to systematic concentration differences and a comparability problem. Since 1997 co-located experiments in 15 countries have been carried out to quantify these differences. In addition, three major measurement campaigns were organized by EMEP between 1985 and 1991. Differences among results depend on the concentration level and methods used. The decrease in SO2 concentrations over the last twenty years has placed greater demands on the methodology. Absorbing solutions methods for SO2, (H2O2 and tetrachloromercurate (TCM)) typically have higher detection limits than the reference method, which uses KOH impregnated filters. The TCM method also has problems with negative interference, especially in summertime. UV fluorescence monitors have in a few cases proven to give good results, but interferences, detection limit and poor maintenance can be problems. For NO2, many countries are using the TGS absorption solution method, which has a higher detection limit than the reference method using NaI impregnated glass sinters. The Salzmann method gives unreliable results at concentrations below 1 μgN/m3, and even at higher concentrations the uncertainty is rather unsatisfactory. The chemiluminescence monitor with molybdenum converters tends to systematically overestimate NO2 concentrations, possibly because zero-drift problems and the non-specific response to NO2. Particulate sulphate measurements in general have lower bias and uncertainties than gas and other aerosol measurements.  相似文献   
Protected Landscapes (PLs) are increasingly used in Norway to conserve cultural (human modified) landscapes. In many cases the maintenance of agricultural activities in PLs is required to preserve landscape character. Whilst research exists on land conservation policies in general, the particular effects of PL on management and adjustment of the farms involved have not received attention in the literature. We present results from a questionnaire sent to owners of agricultural land within PLs in Norway. Whilst landowners were divided upon the effects of PLs on farm management, the economic situation of the farm was little affected. Furthermore, changes in farm management after the establishment of a PL did not seem to have been driven by the establishment of the PLs per se. Most importantly, farm management changes were related to potential options to develop the farm and its land. A statistical model showed that PL-farms did not differ significantly from farms outside PL in the development of their land use or animal husbandry. Our findings thus indicate that the establishment of PL played a minor role as a driving force of changes in farm management and farm income.  相似文献   
Monitoring of marine microalgae is important to predict and manage harmful algal blooms. Microarray Detection of Toxic ALgae (MIDTAL) is an FP7-funded EU project aiming to establish a multi-species microarray as a tool to aid monitoring agencies. We tested the suitability of different prototype versions of the MIDTAL microarray for the monthly monitoring of a sampling station in outer Oslofjorden during a 1-year period. Microarray data from two different versions of the MIDTAL chip were compared to results from cell counts (several species) and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR; only Pseudochattonella spp.). While results from generation 2.5 microarrays exhibited a high number of false positive signals, generation 3.3 microarray data generally correlated with microscopy and qPCR data, with three important limitations: (1) Pseudo-nitzschia cells were not reliably detected, possibly because cells were not sufficiently retained during filtration or lysed during the extraction, and because of low sensitivity of the probes; (2) in the case of samples with high concentrations of non-target species, the sensitivity of the arrays was decreased; (3) one occurrence of Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax was not detected due to a 1-bp mismatch with the genus probe represented on the microarray. In spite of these shortcomings our data demonstrate the overall progress made and the potential of the MIDTAL array. The case of Pseudochattonella — where two morphologically similar species impossible to separate by light microscopy were distinguished — in particular, underlines the added value of molecular methods such as microarrays in routine phytoplankton monitoring.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the information on trends of past emissions of mercury, lead, and cadmium in Europe, as well as examines current levels and future scenarios of these emissions. The impact of various factors on emission changes is discussed including the implementation of various strategies of emission controls in Europe. Future emissions are forecasted on the basis of various scenarios of economy growth in Europe, implementation of European and global legislation (e.g. the Kyoto agreement), population changes, etc.Changes of emissions of mercury, lead, and cadmium are then related to the changes of concentrations of these contaminants in air and precipitation samples at selected stations in Europe. It can be concluded that the reduction trends of anthropogenic emissions of cadmium and lead in Europe are similar to the reduction trends of air concentrations of these metals during the last 2 decades. Somewhat different relationship has been noted for changes in emissions and precipitation. In general for Europe, 60% reduction of Cd emissions was met by about 45% reductions of Cd concentrations in precipitation at the studied stations during the last 2 decades.There is a potential for further reduction of these emissions until the year 2010 up to about 37% for Cd, 51% for Pb, and 49% for Hg as estimated within various emission scenarios presented in the paper.  相似文献   
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