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Many atmospheric dispersion models include only simpletreatment of surface features to estimate the wind profilesand stability parameters. Detailed characterisation of theland cover, particularly in large and complex urbanconurbations, is especially important, as the surfacefeatures can vary significantly over the area. This paperdiscusses the use of satellite land cover data to derivespatially resolved surface boundary layer (SBL) parameters.These parameters have been used in an air quality model,PEARL (Prediction Air Quality in Urban and RegionalLocations) for estimating monthly and annual COconcentrations. Land cover data, derived from LANDSATThematic Mapper Imagery, has been used to estimate SBLparameters (surface roughness length, albeedo, Bowen ratioand anthropogenic heat flux) for a study area of 10000km2 encompassing Greater London and the surroundingcounties. The SBL parameters have been assigned according tomajor land cover types for the whole area at a spatialresolution of 1 × 1 km. Predictions from two versions of the PEARL model (one with land cover data and one without)have been compared with each other and with measured data forannual and monthly CO concentrations from seven London airquality monitoring sites. This comparison shows thatdifferences between predicted and observed values can bereduced by up to a factor of three. The use of SBLparameters derived from land cover data also yields moredetailed predicted annual CO spatial patterns especially inand around suburban areas. The performance of both versionsof the model for monthly CO concentrations has been comparedwith a range of statistical measures. This comparisonconfirms that improved agreement is observed betweenmodelled and measured monthly CO concentrations when use ismade of spatially resolved SBL parameters.  相似文献   
Poplar plantation is the most dominant broadleaf forest type in northern China. Since the mid-1990s plantation was intensified to combat desertification along China's northwestern border, i.e., within Inner Mongolia (IM). This evoked much concern regarding the ecological and environmental effects on areas that naturally grow grass or shrub vegetation. To highlight potential consequences of large-scale poplar plantations on the water budget within semiarid IM, we compared the growing season water balance (evapotranspiration (ET) and precipitation (PPT)) of a 3-yr old poplar plantation (Kp3) and a natural shrubland (Ks) in the Kubuqi Desert in western IM, and a 6-yr old poplar plantation (Bp6) growing under sub-humid climate near Beijing. The results showed that, despite 33% lower PPT at Kp3, ET was 2% higher at Kp3 (228 mm) as compared with Ks (223 mm) in May–September 2006. The difference derived mainly from higher ET at the plantation during drier periods of the growing season, which also indicated that the poplars must have partly transpired groundwater. Estimated growing season ET at Bp6 was about 550 mm and more than 100% higher than at Kp3. It is estimated that increases in leaf area index and net radiation at Kp3 provide future potential for the poplars in Kubuqi to exceed the present ET and ET of the natural shrubland by 100–200%. These increases in ET are only possible through the permanent use of groundwater either directly by the trees or through increased irrigation. This may significantly change the water balance in the area (e.g., high ET at the cost of a reduction in the water table), which renders large-scale plantations a questionable tool in sustainable arid-land management.  相似文献   
Assessment of population exposure to VOC in ambient atmospheres is receiving heightened interest as the adverse health effects of chronic exposure to certain of these compounds are identified. Active (pumped) and passive samplers are the most commonly used devices for this type of monitoring. It has been shown, however, that these devices, along with all other preconcentration techniques, are susceptible to ozone interference. It is demonstrated that this interference occurs even at low ozone concentrations and that it may result in the under-estimation of population exposure. A convenient and effective ozone scrubbing method is identified and successfully applied and validated for both active and passive samplers for a range of VOC.  相似文献   
Geographic information system (GIS) has become one of the leading tools in the field of hydrogeological science that helps in assessing, monitoring, and conserving groundwater resources. Groundwater is a finite resource, which is being overexploited due to increase in demand over the years leading to decrease in its potentiality. In the present study, DRASTIC model has been used to prepare groundwater vulnerable zone in hard rock aquifer of granitic terrain. The main objective is to determine susceptible zone for groundwater pollution by integrating hydrogeological layers in GIS environment. The layers such as depth of aquifer, recharge, aquifer yield, soil type, topography, vadose zone, and transmissivity are incorporated in the DRASTIC model. The final output of the map shows that around 60% of the area falls under low to no risk of pollution zone. The high risk of pollution zones are mostly present towards the margin of southeastern periphery. The lower part of the basin as well as small area on northern side falls under moderate risk of pollution zone. For the assessment of groundwater pollution zone, 24 groundwater samples have been collected from different vulnerable zones. The chemical analysis of sample shows that the southeastern margin of basin has relatively high concentration of nitrate as compared to other parts of the basin. It is present in high pollution zone as well as moderate pollution zone. The present model can be used for assessment and management of groundwater.  相似文献   
Contributions of the emissions from a U.K. regulated fossil-fuel power station to regional air pollution and deposition are estimated using four air quality modeling systems for the year 2003. The modeling systems vary in complexity and emphasis in the way they treat atmospheric and chemical processes, and include the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system in its versions 4.6 and 4.7, a nested modeling system that combines long- and short-range impacts (referred to as TRACK-ADMS [Trajectory Model with Atmospheric Chemical Kinetics-Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System]), and the Fine Resolution Atmospheric Multi-pollutant Exchange (FRAME) model. An evaluation of the baseline calculations against U.K. monitoring network data is performed. The CMAQ modeling system version 4.6 data set is selected as the reference data set for the model footprint comparison. The annual mean air concentration and total deposition footprints are summarized for each modeling system. The footprints of the power station emissions can account for a significant fraction of the local impacts for some species (e.g., more than 50% for SO2 air concentration and non-sea-salt sulfur deposition close to the source) for 2003. The spatial correlation and the coefficient of variation of the root mean square error (CVRMSE) are calculated between each model footprint and that calculated by the CMAQ modeling system version 4.6. The correlation coefficient quantifies model agreement in terms of spatial patterns, and the CVRMSE measures the magnitude of the difference between model footprints. Possible reasons for the differences between model results are discussed. Finally, implications and recommendations for the regulatory assessment of the impact of major industrial sources using regional air quality modeling systems are discussed in the light of results from this case study.  相似文献   
A comprehensive ‘operational’ evaluation of the performance of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modelling system version 4.6 was conducted in support of pollution assessment in the UK for the calendar year 2003. The model was run on multiple grids using one-way nests down to a horizontal resolution as fine as 5 km over the whole of the UK. The model performance was evaluated for pollutants with standards and limit values (e.g. O3, PM10) and species contributing to acidic and nitrogenous deposition (e.g. NH3, SO42–, NO3, NH4+) against data from operational national monitoring networks. The key performance characteristics of the modelling system were found to be variable according to acceptance criteria and to depend on the type (e.g. urban, rural) and location of the sites, as well as on the time of the year. As regards the techniques that were used for ‘operational’ evaluation, performance generally complied with expected levels and ranged from good (e.g. O3, SO42–) to moderate (e.g. PM10, NO3). At a few sites low correlations and large standard deviations for some species (e.g. SO2) suggest that these sites are subject to local factors (e.g. topography, emission sources) that are not well described in the model. Overall, the model tends to over predict O3 and under predict aerosol species (except SO42–). Discrepancies between predicted and observed concentrations may be due to a variety of intertwined factors, which include inaccuracies in meteorological predictions, chemical boundary conditions, temporal variability in emissions, and uncertainties in the treatment of gas and aerosol chemistry. Further work is thus required to investigate the respective contributions of such factors on the predicted concentrations.  相似文献   
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