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Methylmercury (MeHg) is a potent neurotoxin, and human beings are mainly exposed to this pollutant through fish consumption. Only a few contradictory epidemiological studies are currently available examining the impact of fish consumption on human populations. In the present study, we wanted to address whether a diet mimicking the fish consumption of Western populations could result in observable adverse effects in mice, and whether beneficial nutriments from fish were able to counterbalance the deleterious effects of MeHg, if any. In Europe and the United States, fish consumption varies widely between countries, from 11 to 100 g fish/day. A mid-range value of 25 g fish/day corresponds to a fish contribution to the total diet of 1.25% on a dry weight basis. We decided to supplement a vegetarian-based mouse diet with 1.25% of lyophilized salmon flesh (SAL diet), or 1.25% of a blend of lyophilized cod, tuna, and swordfish (CTS diet). Total mercury contents were 1.15±0.15, 2.3±0.1 and 35.75±0.15 ng Hg/g of food pellets for the control, SAL and CTS diets, respectively. After two months feeding, the CTS diet resulted in significant observable effects as compared to the control and SAL diets, encompassing decreased body growth, altered behavioral performance and increased anxiety level, modification of mitochondrial respiratory protein subunit concentrations in kidney and brain structures, modified gene expression patterns in kidneys, liver and muscles, and a decrease of dopamine concentrations in the hypothalamus and striatum. Our findings have health implications, firstly because 1.25% of CTS flesh in the diet corresponds to an average exposure to MeHg below the WHO provisory tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) (1.6 μg MeHg/kg of body weight/week), and secondly because many people in Western populations, among them women of child-bearing age, are exceeding the PTWI value (for instance, 35% of the French population inhabiting the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts).  相似文献   
The honeybee compound eye is equipped with ultraviolet, blue, and green receptors, which form the physiological basis of a trichromatic color vision system. We studied the distribution of the spectral receptors by localizing the three mRNAs encoding the opsins of the ultraviolet-, blue- and green-absorbing visual pigments. The expression patterns of the three opsin mRNAs demonstrated that three distinct types ommatidia exist, refuting the common assumption that the ommatidia composing the bee compound eye contain identical sets of spectral receptors. We found that type I ommatidia contain one ultraviolet and one blue receptor, type II ommatidia contain two ultraviolet receptors, and type III ommatidia have two blue receptors. All the three ommatidial types contain six green receptors. The ommatidia appear to be distributed rather randomly over the retina. The ratio of type I, II, and III ommatidia was about 44:46:10. Type III ommatidia appeared to be slightly more frequent (18%) in the anterior part of the ventral region of the eye. Retinal heterogeneity and ommatidial randomness, first clearly demonstrated in butterflies, seems to be a common design principle of the eyes of insects.  相似文献   
The amphioxus is the only surviving prevertebrate segmented chordate. In this animal Hatschek's pit has long been regarded as a putative homologue of the adenohypophysis because of the presence of secretory granules and immunoreactive cells to vertebrate gonadotrophic hormone in this organ. We found that the nerve cord extends a protrusion to the pit along the right side of the notochord. Furthermore, secretory granules were found not only in the pit but also in the protrusion of the nerve cord. These results suggest that Hatschek's pit and the nerve protrusion are homologous to the adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis, respectively. We believe that this is an evidence for the presence of the neuroendocrine link between the central nervous system and Hatschek's pit in the amphioxus. Received: 2 November 1998 / Accepted in revised form: 11 February 1999  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to clarify the adsorption and desorption characteristics of several herbicides in sediment. Five herbicides, esprocarb, thiobencarb, dimethametryn, pretilachlor, and simetryn were examined in this study. The adsorption ratio on the sediment increased in the following order: pretilachlor < dimethametryn < simetryn < thiobencarb < esprocarb. On the other hand, the adsorption ratio on the sediment without organic matter increased in the following order: thiobencarb < esprocarb < pretilachlor < dimethametryn < simetryn. Furthermore, the amounts of simetryn, dimethametryn, and pretilachlor adsorbed on the sediment without organic matter increased, while those of esprocarb and thiobencarb decreased in comparison to the original sediment. These results strongly suggested that the mineral surface in the sediment was very important as the adsorption site for the herbicide, especially in the case of simetryn, dimethametryn, and pretilachlor. All the adsorption and desorption data fitted well with the Freundlich equation. The hysteresis in the adsorption-desorption phenomena in the sediment was observed for all the herbicides, and it was affected by the organic matter in sediment, especially in the case of dimethametryn and pretilachlor.  相似文献   
Concentrations and accumulation profiles of PCDDs/DFs and coplanar-PCBs (co-PCBs) in aquatic biota (e.g., plankton, shellfish, benthic invertebrate, and fish) and sediment from Tokyo Bay were examined to elucidate the relationship between bioaccumulation and trophic level in the food web as determined by the stable nitrogen isotope analysis. Bioaccumulation patterns of PCDDs/DFs and co-PCBs varied greatly among congeners. Accumulation patterns of PCDDs/DFs and co-PCBs are not solely explained by their physicochemical properties. Biota-sediment accumulation factors (BSAFs) for co-PCBs in biota from Tokyo Bay were significantly greater than those of PCDDs/DFs. Furthermore, the slopes of the plots of delta15N and BSAF values and water solubility of 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDDs/DFs and co-PCBs were highly correlated. The results of our study would provide the valuable information to understand the accumulation properties of PCDDs/DFs and co-PCBs that can be used as a scientific basis to determine the sediment quality criteria of PCDDs/DFs and co-PCBs.  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated the behavior of estrogens in the rhizosphere of white clover (Trifolium repens, clover hereafter) with two different pot tests, using soil and agar as growth media. In a pot test using agar spiked with estrogen, the estrogen concentration in the agar with clover decreased to non-detectable levels within one month, while in the agar without clover, 60% of initially added estrogen remained after one month. The half-lives of estrone (E1) and 17β -estradiol (E2) in the agar with clover were 2.4–3.8 and 13.2 d, respectively. The dissipation of E1 followed first-order rate law, while that of E2 fitted a zero-order reaction, indicating that they had different mechanisms of dissipation from agar. In the soil pot test, the behavior of E1 and E2 was not influenced by clover. An initial rapid decrease in the amount of estrogen extracted by methanol/acetic acid was followed by persistence for 1–3 months, regardless of presence of clover. Moreover, in three weeks E1 and E2 were only partly degraded by microbes extracted from the soil used in the pot test. In this study, abiotic degradation of estrogens and sorption of estrogen to soil, rather than the effects of soil microbes and clover, contributed to the initial rapid dissipation of estrogens in the soil. However, the results of the agar pot test suggested that vegetation such as clover may significantly contribute to removal of estrogens when estrogens in aqueous phase are discharged with surface runoff and preferential flow after heavy rain in agricultural fields, or when present in soils with low estrogen sorptivity.  相似文献   
Kang YS  Yamamuro M  Masunaga S  Nakanishi J 《Chemosphere》2002,46(9-10):1373-1382
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDDs/DFs) were detected in waterfowl such as common cormorants, tufted ducks, and their prey, namely fish and bivalves from Lake Shinji, Japan. The concentration of total PCDDs/DFs-TEQ was found to be higher in the muscle tissues of common cormorants than in those of tufted ducks. The results of hierarchical cluster analysis implied that the residue distribution pattern of PCDD/DF homologues was considerably different between these two species. Furthermore, biomagnification factors (BMFs) were estimated from bivalves as prey to tufted duck muscles as target organs. Despite the highest concentrations of 1,3,6,8- and 1,3,7,9-TeCDD in tufted ducks and their prey, however, the BMFs of these isomers were calculated to be lower than those of the toxic 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDDs/DFs. On the other hand, log BMF of toxic 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDDs/DFs were significantly higher for lower chlorinated isomers than those of the higher chlorinated isomers. The biota-sediment accumulation factors (BSAFs) of PCDDs/DFs were also estimated using shijimi clam and fish samples against sediment from Lake Shinji. The average BSAFs were estimated and ranged from 4.0×10−3 to 2.2×10−1 and 2.0×10−4 to 2.0×10−1 for bivalve and fish samples, respectively. Based on calculated BMFs and BSAFs, the total PCDD/DF-TEQ levels in the tufted duck were estimated to have been lowest (2.0 pg TEQ/g dry weight basis) in 1947 and highest (9.8 pg TEQ/g) in 1971.  相似文献   
To investigate seasonal variations of nutrient distribution in the mudflat–shallow water system, we conducted field surveys once a month from August 2007 to July 2008 in the inner area of Ariake Bay (IAB), Japan. The NH4 +–N concentration of the water column increased in autumn because of the high NH4 + release from the sediments, ranging from 850 to 3,001 μmol?m?2?day?1. The NO3 ?–N concentration was maximal in January, which was thought to be caused by NO3 ? release from the oxic sediments and by NO3 ? regeneration due to water column nitrification. The PO4 3?–P concentration of the water column was high in summer–autumn due to the high PO4 3? release from the reduced sediments, ranging from 22 to 164 μmol?m?2?day?1. We estimated the total amounts of DIN and PO4 3?–P release (R DIN and $ {R_{{\mathrm{P}{{\mathrm{O}}_4}}}} $ , respectively) from the muddy sediment area of the IAB. In summer–autumn, R DIN and $ {R_{{\mathrm{P}{{\mathrm{O}}_4}}}} $ corresponded to about 47.7 % of DIN input and about 116.6 % of PO4 3?–P input from the river, respectively. Thus, we concluded that the muddy sediments were an important source of nutrients for the water column of the IAB during summer–autumn. In addition, we found that phosphorus necessary for the growth of Porphyra (Porphyra yezoensis, Rhodophyceae) would be insufficient in the water column when phosphorus during the Porphyra aquaculture period is supplied only from the river. Therefore, the phosphorus release from the muddy sediments was thought to play an important role in the sustainable production of Porphyra in Ariake Bay.  相似文献   
A new method to single out the environmental factor limiting the life of any macrobenthic animal under stressed condition is proposed. The method is based on the assumption that the influence of each environmental factor on the life of a species can be expressed by an S-shaped function having lethal, limiting and non-limiting ranges, and the combined effect of several environmental factors is expressed by a multiple of these functions. To single out a lethal factor, we used the cumulative curve of abundance arranged in the order of each environmental factor. Comparison of these curves enables us to identify the most effective environmental factor limiting the life of a particular species and determine its effective range. Determination can be made from a single field observation without recourse to specially prepared experimental data if a sufficiently extensive survey was made in a field observation. The method was applied to the field data obtained from 248 stations at Lake Shinji, Japan, in the summer of 1982.  相似文献   
To clarify the mechanism of hypoxia in the western interior parts of the Ariake Sea (WIAS), field observation data collected in the period of 1972-2004 were analyzed using a two-layer box model. Monthly averages of advection velocity, vertical diffusion coefficient (K(z)), and biochemical oxygen consumption rate (R) in WIAS were evaluated quantitatively during the above period. The estimated advection velocity comparatively corresponded to the observed residual flow pattern of bay head in summer and winter. The estimated K(z) was relatively high (0.6-5.3 cm(2) s(?-1)) from September to March but lower (0.2-0.4 cm(2) s(?-1)) from April to August. The estimated R ranged from 0.30 to 0.46 mg L(?-1) day(?-1) during May to August. In summer, the temporal variation of dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in the lower layer was controlled largely by K ( z ) and R. Monthly variations of K(z), R, and degree of density stratification (P) in the 1970s, the 1980s, and the 1990s-early 2000s were analyzed. P, K ( z ), and R were not significantly different among the calculated periods (p = 0.93, 0.23, and 0.49). However, the variations of R in summer between the 1970s and the other calculated periods changed. DO consumption period was longer in the 1980s and the 1990s-early 2000s than in the 1970s. R in the 1980s was highest among the calculated periods. The increase in R in the 1980s was caused by the increase in organic matter load originating from red tide phytoplankton due to a decrease in the suspension feeders.  相似文献   
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