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In this research, epigenetic effects of bisphenol A (BPA) on human breast cancer MCF-7 cells were analyzed. Genome-wide DNA methylation and gene expression were analyzed in MCF-7 cells exposed to BPA (10?5 and 10?6 mol/L for 5 weeks). No significant changes in the global level of 5-methyl-2′-deoxycytidine and 5-hydroxymethyl-2′-deoxycytidine were observed. DNA methylation profiling analysis indicated that BPA exposure resulted in the hypermethylation of FOXK2, LKB1, LMX1A and CUGBP2 and the hypomethylation of PTPRN2, TRIM27, BCAS3 and ZNF423. Decreased expression of apoptosis genes (P38 and BCL2L1) and increased expression of chemokine (Cxcl2 and ccl20) were detected. Changes of these genes were speculated to affect the ERα-related cell growth as well as cell apoptosis.  相似文献   
不同浓度Cd~(2+)对鲤鱼基因组DNA的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲤鱼(建鲤品种)幼鱼暴露于4个浓度组(0.005、0.05、0.5、5mg/L)的镉离子(Cd~(2+))2d,期间各组的个体均无死亡.用10个RAPD引物对处理后鲤鱼基因组进行扩增,亦未发现有明显的差异扩增条带.但在用甲基化敏感扩增多态性方法研究暴露后鲤鱼肌肉组织的基因组DNA甲基化的变化时发现,5mg/L的Cd~(2+)在d2会使鲤鱼基因组DNA中CCGG区域甲基化发生明显的变化.该组个体1mol后出现大量死亡.另外,0.05mg/L和0.5mg/L Cd~(2+)组个体基因组DNA中CCGG区域甲基化比例2d内略有下降,甲基化位点没有太大改变.说明鲤鱼幼鱼基因组CCGG区域的胞嘧啶甲基化比例在不同浓度Cd~(2+)处理中都比较稳定.低浓度Cd~(2+)条件下鲤鱼主要通过甲基化区域的微调减少Cd~(2+)的生理毒性.高浓度Cd~(2+)处理下,利于基因组DNA甲基化区域发生相当的变化,可能导致一些沉默基因的异常表达.图2表2参31  相似文献   
为了解城市人工湿地水体中汞的时空分布及甲基化特征,以便探究其潜在的汞暴露生态风险,在重庆市选择4个不同类型的人工湿地,于2017年3月~2018年3月,按季度采集垂直剖面水样,分析总汞(THg)和甲基汞(MeHg)的分布.结果表明:城市人工湿地由于景观布局、功能设置不同,其汞分布特征有一定差异. 4个湿地水体THg均高于背景水域,但远低于有污染历史的水体;湿地中部水体THg均略高于进、出水口,表明城市湿地对水体THg有截留作用.除彩云湖湿地出水口MeHg浓度高于入水口外,其余3个湿地出水口MeHg均低于入水口;湿地中水体MeHg呈随水深增加而升高的趋势,且MeHg占THg的比例(MeHg/THg)均高于其他水域,说明城市湿地具有净汞甲基化的作用. 4个城市湿地水体THg春秋两季高,夏季略有降低,冬季最低;水体MeHg冬季最低,而其他三季差异不大但远高于冬季,约为冬季的3倍.本研究明晰了城市湿地中汞的时空分布和甲基化规律,探究了人类活动对湿地的干扰程度和湿地的响应特征以及湿地汞对下游流域的影响,从控制潜在汞暴露风险的角度,为人工湿地建设提供建议.  相似文献   
陈艳  王卉  司友斌 《环境科学》2013,34(11):4466-4472
在实验室模拟条件下,研究了铁还原菌奥奈达希瓦式菌Shewanella oneidensis MR-1对固态硫化汞的生物溶解、生物甲基化作用及其影响因素.结果表明,铁还原菌S.oneidensis MR-1在含硫培养基中生长良好,低浓度硫素能够促进其生长,高浓度时细菌生长则受到抑制,这种抑制主要表现在菌株生长曲线迟缓期的延长;铁还原菌S.oneidensis MR-1能够利用固态硫化汞,促进其溶解并迅速进行汞甲基化;在S.oneidensis MR-1的耐硫化物范围内,菌株对硫化汞的生物溶解作用随着硫化钠浓度的增大而增强,但生物甲基化作用只在低浓度硫化钠时受到促进,硫化钠浓度过高时则会受到抑制;此外,弱酸性环境比酸性及中碱性的环境更有利于S.oneidensis MR-1对硫化汞的生物溶解及甲基化.  相似文献   
The geochemical processes of mercury in Dongfeng (DF) and Wujiangdu (WJD) reservoirs, which were constructed in 1992 and 1979, respectively in Wujiang River, which is the upper branch of Yangtze River were investigated. One sampling site was chosen upriver of 1 km from the dam for each reservoir. Three sampling campaigns were conducted at these sampling sites in December 2003, April 2004 and July 2004, respectively. The distributions of different mercury species in the water column, sediment, and sediment pore water were studied. We found that the sediment is the net source of both inorganic and MeHg to the water column for both reservoirs. The MeHg diffusion fluxes in WJD reservoir at all sampling campaigns were significantly higher than those in DF reservoir. Our study demonstrated that the high primary productivity in the reservoir produced elevated organic matter content that would favor the methylmercury production in sediment.  相似文献   
砷中毒具有特异的皮肤损伤特征。为了研究燃煤型砷中毒病区高砷暴露、人体甲基化代谢能力与皮肤损伤患病风险之间的关系,在陕南典型燃煤型砷中毒村进行了皮肤损伤诊断和流行病学调查,采集尿样并分析总砷及形态砷含量,同时计算了用于表征人体砷甲基化代谢能力的指标包括尿中无机砷、一甲基砷和二甲基砷占总砷的百分含量(i As%、MMA%、DMA%),以及一甲基化率(PMI=MMA/i As)和二甲基化率(SMI=DMA/MMA)。Logistic回归分析结果表明:尿总砷含量(UTAs)是砷致皮肤损伤的危险因素(OR=1.038,95%CI:1.003~1.073),二甲基砷百分含量和SMI是皮肤损伤的保护因素(OR=0.883,95%CI:0.798~0.976;OR=0.724,95%CI:0.535~0.978);且砷致皮肤损伤的危险度随砷暴露水平的增高和甲基化能力的降低而增大。  相似文献   
张玥  李令仪  文炯  曾希柏  苏世鸣 《环境科学》2022,43(9):4820-4830
研究稻田落干过程砷甲基化效率变化规律,分析关键环境和生物因素的影响,为今后水稻直穗病防控提供科学依据.开展室内培养模拟稻田落干过程,以采集自贵州兴仁(XR)和广西南丹(ND)的两种砷污染水稻土壤为供试土壤,各土壤设置添加(RS)和不添加(CK)水稻秸秆处理,分析自然落干0、24、36、48和60 h过程中Eh、pH、孔隙水总有机碳(TOC)、砷形态、砷甲基化功能基因(arsM)、硫酸盐还原菌(dsrA,砷甲基化相关微生物)、产甲烷菌(mcrA,砷去甲基化相关微生物)丰度和arsM功能微生物多样性变化.稻田落干过程土壤Eh由完全淹水状态下的-300~-200 mV向落干后的-150~-50 mV变迁,而pH值变化规律不明显;孔隙水无机砷(iAs)和二甲基砷(DMAs)浓度随落干过程变化更为显著,总体呈现增加趋势,且RS处理DMAs浓度显著高于CK,ND土壤孔隙水比XR土壤孔隙水DMAs浓度更高;随落干时间延长,XR-CK和XR-RS处理土壤砷甲基化效率有一定提升,但变化不显著,而ND-CK和ND-RS处理土壤砷甲基化效率显著增加.当培养为60 h时,ND-CK和ND-RS处理砷甲基化效率相比培养初期分别提高约61.8%和23.2%;随落干时间延长arsMdsrA基因拷贝数明显增加,而mcrA基因拷贝数显著下降.秸秆添加后显著提高全细菌和arsM、dsrAmcrA基因丰度;进一步基于多因素方差分析和冗余分析发现,供试土壤、秸秆添加、落干时间和其交互作用对于各砷形态、砷甲基化效率和关键基因丰度变化影响显著,TOC、Eh和砷甲基化相关基因与甲基态砷呈正向关联,而与无机砷iAs呈负向关联;基于arsM微生物测序发现,伴随落干过程还发生着砷甲基化功能微生物群落的更替.研究结果有助于提升稻田落干过程中砷甲基化变化的理论认知,为今后水稻直穗病科学防控提供指导.  相似文献   
Mercury (Hg) could be microbially methylated to the bioaccumulative neurotoxin methylmercury (MeHg), raising health concerns. Understanding the methylation of various Hg species is thus critical in predicting the MeHg risk. Among the known Hg species, mercury sulfide (HgS) is the largest Hg reservoir in the lithosphere and has long been considered to be highly inert. However, with advances in the analytical methods of nanoparticles, HgS nanoparticles (HgS NPs) have recently been detected in various environmental matrices or organisms. Furthermore, pioneering laboratory studies have reported the high bioavailability of HgS NPs. The formation, presence, and transformation (e.g., methylation) of HgS NPs are intricately related to several environmental factors, especially dissolved organic matter (DOM). The complexity of the behavior of HgS NPs and the heterogeneity of DOM prevent us from comprehensively understanding and predicting the risk of HgS NPs. To reveal the role of HgS NPs in Hg biogeochemical cycling, research needs should focus on the following aspects: the formation pathways, the presence, and the environmental behaviors of HgS NPs impacted by the dominant influential factor of DOM. We thus summarized the latest progress in these aspects and proposed future research priorities, e.g., developing the detection techniques of HgS NPs and probing HgS NPs in various matrices, further exploring the interactions between DOM and HgS NPs. Besides, as most of the previous studies were conducted in laboratories, our current knowledge should be further refreshed through field observations, which would help to gain better insights into predicting the Hg risks in natural environment.  相似文献   
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