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为探讨南京秋季霾污染过程发生的主要影响因素,利用南京信息工程大学太阳光度计观测霾污染发生天气下AOD(aerosol optical depth,气溶胶光学厚度)数据,计算AE440-1020(?ngstr?m Exponent,波长指数)以及a2(光谱曲率),结合CALIPSO(Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations)卫星气溶胶组分分析以及MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)火点数据,对2015年10月南京霾污染过程进行分析.结果表明:2015年10月出现的两次霾污染过程期间南京地区AE440-1020均高于1.0并且a2呈负值,其中10月16日AQI达到峰值(201),AOD500达1.51,AE440-1020达1.37,a2达-0.77;这两次较为严重的霾污染过程均主要由人为因素(工业污染、城市建设、生物质燃烧、汽车尾气排放等)产生的细粒子所致.后向轨迹分析发现,2015年10月16日南京地区霾污染天气发生的主要原因是区域型污染,同时受长距离输送影响,大量携带人为因素产生的细粒子以及少量沙尘等污染物的空气团途经内蒙古、山东等地到达南京,加剧了当日的污染程度;2015年10月23日南京地区霾污染天气的发生则主要受长距离输送影响,同时也受到区域型污染影响,加剧了当日的污染程度.研究显示,在稳定的气象条件下,较高的相对湿度、较低的地表风速、低混合层高度以及贴地逆温的出现是诱发霾污染天气产生的有利气象条件.   相似文献   
Although hirundines have been used extensively in homing experiments, to date no investigation of their migratory orientation has been carried out, despite the well-known migratory habits of many species of this family. This paper reports on a study of the orientation of the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica), a typical diurnal trans-Saharan migrant. Modified Emlen funnels were used to verify the suitability of this species for cage experiments and investigate the role of visual and magnetic cues during the birds first migratory journey. Juvenile swallows were mist-netted at a roost site in central Italy and then tested in a site 19 km apart. Orientation experiments were performed under four experimental conditions: natural clear sky and simulated overcast, in both local and shifted magnetic fields (magnetic North=geographical West). Under clear sky, the swallows tended to orient phototactically toward the best-lit part of the funnel and failed to respond to the magnetic field shift. Under overcast conditions, they oriented northward and modified their directional choices as expected in response to the shifted magnetic North. On the whole, our data indicate that swallows can use magnetic information for compass orientation. Possible explanations for the northward orientation of birds tested under overcast conditions are discussed.Communicated by W. Wiltschko  相似文献   
Pigeon homing: the effect of a clock-shift is often smaller than predicted   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This analysis is based on 103 releases with 6-h clock-shifted pigeons of various ages and experiences. Resetting the internal clock normally leads to a significant change in initial orientation; however, in half of the cases, the induced deflections are significantly smaller than predicted by the sun compass hypothesis. The relative size of the deflections decreases with increasing age and experience (Fig. 3). Only young pigeons with limited experience respond as expected, while old birds show deflections which are, on the average, only slightly more than half of the predicted size, except at extremely familiar sites (Table 2). There is no difference between fast and slow shifts (Fig. 4). It is not possible to clearly specify under what circumstances smaller deflections occur; previous clock-shifts (Fig. 5), familiarity with the release site (Table 4) and duration of the shifting procedure (Table 5) do not seem to be the reasons. Clock-shifting also tends to decrease the vector lengths and has a marked effect on homing performance (Table 7). Nevertheless, considerable numbers of clock-shifted birds return on the day of release before their internal clock has begun to be reset back to normal. The general role of the sun compass in bird orientation is considered and theoretical implications of our findings are discussed in view of the map and compass-model and the possibility that an alternative, non-time-compensating compass is used in parallel with the sun compass.  相似文献   
Wind and sky as compass cues in desert ant navigation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
While integrating their foraging and homing paths, desert ants, Cataglyphis fortis, depend on external compass cues. Whereas recent research in bees and ants has focused nearly exclusively on the polarization compass, two other compass systems—the sun compass and the wind (anemo) compass—as well as the mutual interactions of all these compass systems have received little attention. In this study, we show that of the two visual compass systems, it is only the polarization compass that invariably outcompetes the wind compass, while the sun compass does so only under certain conditions. If the ants are experimentally deprived of their polarization compass system, but have access simultaneously to both their sun compass and their wind compass, they steer intermediate courses. The intermediate courses shift the more towards the wind compass course, the higher the elevation of the sun is in the sky.  相似文献   
This paper studies the degradation reactions that 4-chloroaniline can naturally undergo in waters for the action of sun light. 10.00 mg L−1 4-chloroaniline aqueous solution, without any addition of organic solvent, are undergone to photoirradiation under conditions that simulate sun light. The degradation pathway, followed by HPLC-DAD-MS/MS methods, is complex since the pollutant gives rise to many photoproducts: the predominant species are characterized by m/z values of 217 (P5) and 218 (P6) and are compatible with dimeric structures of 4-chloroaniline. Vibrio fischeri tests indicate that the photoproducts of 4-chloroaniline are characterized by a toxicity level significantly greater than the precursor.  相似文献   
杭州市大气气溶胶光学特性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用太阳分光光度计(CE-318)对杭州市地面的气溶胶光学特性进行观测,并对卫星反演的中分辨率成像光谱仪(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer,MODIS)气溶胶产品进行验证.结果表明,MODIS气溶胶产品在杭州地区的精度较高,3个站点全部数据回归曲线的斜率和截距分...  相似文献   
Lignite fly ash (LFA), being alkaline and endowed with excellent pozzolanic properties, a silt loam texture, and plant nutrients, has the potential to improve soil quality and productivity. Long-term field trials with groundnut, maize, and sun hemp were carried out to study the effect of LFA on growth and yield. Before crop I was sown, LFA was applied at various doses with and without press mud (an organic waste from the sugar industry, used as an amendment and source of nutrients). LFA with and without press mud was also applied before crops III and V were cultivated. Chemical fertilizer, along with gypsum, humic acid, and biofertilizer, was applied in all treatments, including the control. With one-time and repeat applications of LFA (with and without press mud), yield increased significantly (7.0–89.0%) in relation to the control crop. The press mud enhanced the yield (3.0–15.0%) with different LFA applications. The highest yield LFA dose was 200 t/ha for one-time and repeat applications, the maximum yield being with crop III (combination treatment). One-time and repeat application of LFA (alone and in combination with press mud) improved soil quality and the nutrient content of the produce. The highest dose of LFA (200 t/ha) with and without press mud showed the best residual effects (eco-friendly increases in the yield of succeeding crops). Some increase in trace- and heavy-metal contents and in the level of γ-emitters in soil and crop produce, but well within permissible limits, was observed. Thus, LFA can be used on a large scale to boost soil fertility and productivity with no adverse effects on the soil or crops, which may solve the problem of bulk disposal of fly ash in an eco-friendly manner.  相似文献   
Nanometer-size zero-valent iron (NZVI) is an efficient reducing agent, but its surface is easily passivated with an oxide layer, leading to reaction inefficiency. In our study, oxalate (OA) was introduced into this heterogeneous system of NZVI, which could form ferrioxalate complexes with the NZVI surface-bound Fe3+ and dissolved Fe3+ in the solution. Photolysis of ferrioxalate complexes can facilitate the generation of Fe2+ from Fe3+ and CO2?- radical, both species have strong reduction capacity. Hence, a “photo-oxalate-Fe(0)” system through sunlight induction was established, which not only prohibited the formation of a surface passivation layer, but also displayed a synergetic mechanism of ferrioxalate photolysis to enhance reduction, exhibiting remarkably higher degradation activity (several times faster) toward the model pollutant Cr(VI) than the mechanism with NZVI alone. Factor tests suggested that both NZVI dosage and OA content markedly affected the reduction rate. Low pH was beneficial to the reduction efficiency. Moreover, recyclability experiment showed that the reduction rate decreased from 0.21706 to 0.03977 min?1 after three cycles of reuse due to the NZVI losing reaction activity generally, but the system still maintained considerable reduction capacity. Finally, a mechanism was revealed whereby NZVI would transform to Fe oxides after the exhaustion of its reductive power, and the photolysis of ferrioxalate to promote the cycling of iron species played the predominant role in providing extra reduction ability. These features confirm that introduction of OA into Cr(VI) reduction by NZVI through sunlight induction is advantageous and promising.  相似文献   
Pigeons whose internal clock is shifted by 6 h show deflections from the direction of untreated controls, yet these deflections are often smaller than predicted. Magnets temporarily disabling the magnetic compass increased these the deflections significantly (R. Wiltschko and Wiltschko 2001), indicating a compromise between sun compass and magnetic compass. – Recently, Ioalé et al. (2006) claim that they could not replicate our findings. The reason lies in a difference in the behavior of the clock-shifted pigeons without magnets: in the study of Ioalè et al. (2006), their deflections was already almost as large as that of our pigeons carrying magnets. This difference is probably caused by the limited experience of the pigeons of Ioalè et al. (2006): Their birds, in contrast to ours, had not used their sun’ compass during extended homing flights at various times of the year and, not having been faced with the necessity to compensate the saisonal changes of the sun’s arc, gave the sun compass more weight than our birds did.A comment to the paper by Ioalè, Odetti and Gagliardo (2006) Behav Ecol Sociobiol 60: 516–521.  相似文献   
The characteristics of springtime aerosols,including their optical and microphysical properties,were analyzed for the months of March to May of 2009 in Gwangju(35.23°N,126.84°E),Korea.A high Light Detection and Ranging(LIDAR)-derived aerosol depolarization ratio(δ) of 0.25 ± 0.04 was determined on dust particles during the observation period.The?ngstr?m exponent values of the 440–870 nm wavelength pair(?_(440–870)) and single-scattering albedo at 675 nm(Ω_(675)) measured by a CIMEL sun/sky radiometer were 0.77 ± 0.19 and 0.95 ±0.01,respectively.The elevated dust layers reached a maximum elevation of 4 km above sea level.Anthropogenic/smoke particles that originated from highly populated/industrialized regions could be distinguished by their relatively smaller particle size(?_(440–870) ranged between1.33 and 1.36) and higher light-absorbing(Ω_(675) of 0.92 ± 0.01) characteristics.These aerosols are mostly distributed at altitudes 1.2 km.The root-mean-square deviation(RMSD) between the aerosol optical depth(AOD,τ) derived from LIDAR_((τ_(LIDAR))) and from the CIMEL sun/sky radiometer_((τ_(CIMEL))) varied with respect to the surface PM10 concentration.The RMSD between τ_(LIDAR) and τ_(CIMEL) was as low as 13% under lower PM_(10) concentration levels( 100 μg/m~3).In contrast,the RMSD between τ_(LIDAR) and τ_(CIMEL) increased three times(~31%) under high surface PM_(10) concentration levels(100 μg/m~3).These results suggest that the accuracy of τ_(LIDAR) is influenced by specific atmospheric conditions,regardless of its uncertainty.  相似文献   
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