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造成烧伤的化学物质,常见的为硫酸、盐酸、硝酸和石灰、氨等酸碱类,以及磷、苯、酚类,烧伤部位一般为手、胳膊、面部等外露体位.  相似文献   
这是世界上第一个人造细胞。我们称它为"人造儿",因为这个细胞完全来自于合成的染色体,用4瓶化学物质在一个化学合成器下制造出来的。这是地球上第一个父母是电脑、却可以进行自我复制的物种。——克雷格·文特尔  相似文献   
Enhanced Cd uptake and Zn depletion in rice grains and high potential for food Cd exposure by the high-yielding hybrid cultivars of China had been addressed. A field experiment was conducted in 2006 to determine the di erence in grain Cd and Zn between cultivars. Total 110 cultivars including super rice and common hybrid rice cultivars were grown on a single paddy soil (Entic Haplaquept) with a neutral reaction and low total Cd content. Grain Cd and Zn concentrations were determined with graphite atomic adsorption spectrophotometer (GFAAS) and flame atomic adsorption spectrophotometer (AAS) respectively.Wide variation of Cd content in grain was found in a range of 0.004–0.057 mg/kg, while the Zn content in a range of 10.25–30.06 mg/kg among the cultivars. Higher Cd but lower Zn concentration in grains of super rice cultivars was observed compared to the common hybrid ones. A highly significant positive linear correlation of grain Cd/Zn with grain Cd was found for super rice and common hybrid cultivars, meanwhile much higher slope for these hybrid cultivars than the reported non-hybrid cultivars was also observed. Using the limit value of the Chinese chemical guidelines for foods (MOHC and SSC, 2005), calculated potential risk of food Cd exposure with “Zn hungry” through diet intake was prominent with all the studied 110 hybrid rice cultivars, possessing high potential health problems for rice production in South China using the super rice cultivars. Breeding of genotypes of rice cultivars with low grain Cd and low Cd/Zn ratio is needed for rice production in acidic red soils where Cd bioavailability is prevalently high.  相似文献   
Contamination of aquatic ecosystems with heavy metals has been receiving increased worldwide attention due to their harmful e ects on human health and other organisms in the environment. Most of the studies dealing with toxic e ects of metals deal with single metal species, while the aquatic organisms are typically exposed to mixtures of metals. Hence, in order to provide data supporting the usefulness of freshwater fish as indicators of heavy metal pollution, it has been proposed in the present study to investigate the bioaccumulation and depuration of chromium in the selected organs of freshwater fingerlings Cirrhinus mrigala, individually and in binary solutions with nickel. The results show that the kidney is a target organ for chromium accumulation, which implies that it is also the “critical” organ for toxic symptoms. The results further show that accumulation of nickel in all the tissues of C. mrigala is higher than that of chromium. In addition, the metal accumulations of the binary mixtures of chromium and nickel are substantially higher than those of the individual metals, indicating synergistic interactions between the two metals. Theoretically the simplest explanation for an additive joint action of toxicants in a mixture is that they act in a qualitatively similar way. The observed data suggest that C. mrigala could be suitable monitoring organisms to study the bioavailability of water-bound metals in freshwater habitats.  相似文献   
概况随着全球经济一体化的推进和全球气候变暖趋势逐渐明显,索尼(中国)在履行社会责任、实施可持续发展过程中,在生态环境保护、社区和谐稳定、消费者及其他利益相关群体权益保护等诸多方面不断强化并完善各项举措,收到了良好的效果。索尼集团于2010年4月提出"环境零负荷"的目标,即计划到2050年,在企业运营行为和产品使用周期中,将对环境的负荷降低至零。作为集团中的一员,索尼(中国)在致力于为人们提供更多新颖、时尚的高科技产品同时,也在对产品研  相似文献   
<正>如果说大脑是身体的主宰者,激素就是钦差,一边执行大脑的命令,一边和各种外来刺激"谈判",以维持人体平衡。但除了身体各器官自然分泌的激素,现代生活中大量化学物质的使用让人不得不摄入多种多样的"环境激素"。据了解,目前中国儿童性早熟的平均发病率已经达到1%,仅广州就从10年前的0.5%上升至1.3%。北京协和医院内分泌科副主任医师伍学焱指出:"我们怀疑现代人性早熟、畸形、癌症发病率升高,都和生活中摄入的各种各样的激  相似文献   
化学物质入手介绍美国有毒空气污染防治的法律基础、污染物选择和评估,以及法规设计的有毒空气污染物污染防治方法的主要内容,并结合中国近期控制挥发性有机物的要求,提出了加强化学品环境管理,协同推进大气环境保护工作的建议。  相似文献   
新年前夕的一天,记者突然接到一位朋友的电话,称他的4岁孙女在玩耍时,不慎被一辆塑料玩具吊车伤到左脸,值得庆幸的是没有扎到眼睛,伤口也不算深,否则后果不堪设想。但不管怎么说,孩子漂亮的脸蛋上会留下永久性的伤痕。其实像这样的事并非个案,无论媒体报道还是网络查事故频发防不胜防  相似文献   
绿色和平 《绿叶》2012,(8):97-103
家庭室内灰尘是考察室内污染情况的"晴雨表"。近期,针对目前国际国内关注度较高的四类有毒有害物质,绿色和平采集了中国五个城市十一个家庭的室内灰尘样本进行检测。结果显示全部样本中都存在上述四类有毒有害物质,且浓度范围与其他国家和地区的研究相一致。这表明中国公众可能通过室内灰尘暴露于多种有毒有害物质的复合影响之下。有此,绿色和平建议完善中国化学品管理体系,为公众创造一个"无毒"的未来。  相似文献   
2012年,诺维信再次荣登道琼斯可持续发展指数"生物技术"行业分榜榜首,这是诺维信第十一次获此殊荣。入围道琼斯可持续发展指数排行榜并保持排名对任何公司而言都是一个挑战,了解一下道琼斯可持续发展指数的情况就可略见一斑。道琼斯可持续发展指数是由全球领先的股市、金融和经济信息提供商道琼斯,以及瑞士投资公司SAM控股集团联合推出的一个得到全球认可的可持续  相似文献   
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