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2007年中国安全生产事故与自然灾害状况   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
综述了2007年中国安全生产事故状况和自然灾害情况.2007年中国共发生各类安全生产事故506 376起,死亡101 480人,同比分别减少19.3%和10.1%.非煤矿山共发生伤亡事故1 861起、死亡2 188人,同比分别下降0 6%和3.9%.火灾发生15 9万起,死亡1 418人,受伤863人,直接财产损失9 9亿元.共发生森林火灾9 260起,草原火灾248起.2007年各类自然灾害共造成39 777 9万人(次)不同程度受灾,因灾死亡2 325人; 农作物受灾面积4 899万hm2,上升19 2%,其中绝收面积575万hm2,上升6.2%.因灾直接经济损失2 363亿元,比2006年下降6.5%.安徽、四川、河南、湖南、云南、重庆、浙江、陕西等地受灾较为严重.全国因气象灾害共造成经济损失约2 342亿元.2007年共发生风暴潮、海浪、海冰、赤潮和海啸等灾害性海洋过程163次,造成直接经济损失88 37亿元,死亡(含失踪)161人.地质灾害共发生25 364起,死亡598人,造成直接经济损失24 75亿元.大陆地区共发生5级以上地震17次,地震灾害造成死亡3人,直接经济损失20.19亿元.结果表明,2007年中国安全生产事故的发生较2006年有所缓和,自然灾害状况也较2006年轻.  相似文献   
《2006年促进职业安全与健康框架公约》(C187,2006)和《职业安全与健康框架建议书》(R197,2006)的公布是为了进一步减少全球发生的大量职业性伤病和死亡,保护工人免受因就业而引发的病患和伤害,降低职业性伤病和死亡对劳动生产率和经济与社会发展的负面影响。本文对《公约》及《建议书》的主要内容,包括《公约》中的定义、《公约》制定的目标、国家政策、国家制度、国家计划等进行了详细的介绍和分析,以期继续推广预防性安全健康文化建设。  相似文献   
2006年中国安全生产事故与自然灾害状况   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
综述了2006年中国安全生产事故状况和自然灾害情况.统计和分析了安全生产事故和自然灾害发生的情况,并给出了2006年10大食品安全事件.2006年中国共发生各类安全生产事故627158起,死亡112822人,同比分别减少12.6%和11.2%.非煤矿山共发生伤亡事故1869起、死亡2271人,同比分别下降3.1%和3.0%.火灾发生222702起,死亡1517人,受伤1418人,直接财产损失784468411元.2006年各类自然灾害共造成43453.3万人(次)不同程度受灾,因灾死亡3186人;农作物受灾面积41091.3千hm2,上升5.9%,其中绝收面积5408.9千hm2,上升17.7%.因灾直接经济损失2528.1亿元,比2005年上升23.8%.浙江、福建、江西、湖南、广东、广西、重庆、四川等地受灾严重.全国因气象灾害共造成2704人死亡,经济损失约2120亿元.2006年是中国海洋灾害的重灾年,风暴潮、海浪、海冰、赤潮和海啸等灾害性海洋过程共发生179次,造成直接经济损失218.45亿元,减少34.3%,死亡(含失踪)492人.地质灾害共发生102804起.大陆地区共发生5级以上地震14次,死亡25人,直接经济损失18.6亿元.结果表明,2006年中国安全生产事故的发生较2005年有所缓和,但自然灾害状况较2005年严重.  相似文献   
目的制定安装于带温控装置吊舱内的机载外挂电子设备挂飞可靠性试验剖面,并提出一种安装于带温控装置吊舱内的机载外挂电子设备挂飞可靠性试验方法。方法结合机载外挂电子设备的典型任务剖面及其复杂多样的环境条件,以某机载侦察相机为例,给出带温控装置吊舱内的机载外挂电子设备可靠性鉴定试验中试验方案的选择依据,然后根据GJB 899A—2009中的温度应力、振动应力简化处理原则和典型任务剖面的持续时间及其占比,得到温度、振动应力条件,并合成挂飞可靠性试验剖面。结果使用该方法对某机载侦察相机的温度、振动应力进行处理,得到了带温控装置的吊舱内的机载外挂电子设备挂飞可靠性试验剖面。结论提出的带温控装置吊舱内的机载外挂电子设备挂飞可靠性试验剖面设计方法,为安装于带温控装置的吊舱内的机载外挂电子设备开展可靠性鉴定试验提供了指导。  相似文献   
This paper examines the ways residents in the Grampians area in the Australian state of Victoria used their local and their state and national based media before, during and after the 2006 bushfires (wildfires). The researchers were particularly concerned to understand how residents evaluated media sources as trustworthy and credible in relation to bushfire warnings and information about the fires delivered in the media.Analysis of data derived from two separate focus group sessions conducted by the researchers reveals four main themes. (1) The media are perceived as part of a broader information gathering process. (2) Local knowledge is the most important aspect in broadcast information. (3) Members of small communities can feel disenfranchised and resentful of the media when media coverage focuses on larger towns, and (4) the effects of media reporting, including specific warnings, are both immediate and long lasting.The paper explores some of the tensions that result from the ways rural residents use and distinguish between local/regional and metropolitan and out-of-state bushfire information; and it encourages better use of the local/regional media to increase community safety and awareness in relation to bushfire mitigation, preparedness and crisis management issues before, during and after the fires. It is suggested that risk communications professionals need to understand that when mediated risk-related communications are provided, a key evaluative criterion is whether or not those media and the messages represent and reflect local knowledge.  相似文献   
目的 准确制定飞机发动机影响区设备的可靠性试验剖面,提出一种可靠性试验剖面设计方法.方法 结合飞机发动机影响区设备的振动"宽带随机信号叠加窄带尖峰信号"的特点,采用工程截取等效法对实测振动数据分析归纳,得到振动试验谱.然后根据振动应力简化原则和飞机典型任务状态的持续时间及其占整个任务剖面的时间比例得到振动应力条件,并合成可靠性试验剖面.结果 使用此方法对某飞机发动机影响区设备的振动数据进行处理,得到飞机发动机影响区设备的可靠性试验剖面.结论 提出的工程截取等效法非常适合发动机影响区设备振动信号的分离和归纳;提出的可靠性试验剖面设计方法,为飞机发动机影响区设备的可靠性剖面设计工作提供了新思路,对飞机发动机影响区域设备的可靠性设计有重要意义.  相似文献   
This paper examines the ways residents in the Grampians area in the Australian state of Victoria used their local and their state and national based media before, during and after the 2006 bushfires (wildfires). The researchers were particularly concerned to understand how residents evaluated media sources as trustworthy and credible in relation to bushfire warnings and information about the fires delivered in the media.

Analysis of data derived from two separate focus group sessions conducted by the researchers reveals four main themes. (1) The media are perceived as part of a broader information gathering process. (2) Local knowledge is the most important aspect in broadcast information. (3) Members of small communities can feel disenfranchised and resentful of the media when media coverage focuses on larger towns, and (4) the effects of media reporting, including specific warnings, are both immediate and long lasting.

The paper explores some of the tensions that result from the ways rural residents use and distinguish between local/regional and metropolitan and out-of-state bushfire information; and it encourages better use of the local/regional media to increase community safety and awareness in relation to bushfire mitigation, preparedness and crisis management issues before, during and after the fires. It is suggested that risk communications professionals need to understand that when mediated risk-related communications are provided, a key evaluative criterion is whether or not those media and the messages represent and reflect local knowledge.  相似文献   
昆明“3·29”森林火灾对防控林区火灾的启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍昆明的“3·29”森林火灾基本情况。在对该火烧迹地进行3年跟踪调研的基础上,总结了该火灾对防控西南林区森林火灾的6点启示:(1)紫茎泽兰入侵区应慎修生土隔火带;(2)通过发挥山沟的阻火作用、营林防火、森林可燃物制炭等技术措施构建阻火林分;(3)重视森林火灾次生灾害;(4)开发新型森林灭火剂及施用技术;(5)适时运用以火灭火战术;(6)探索与集体林权制度改革相适应的森林消防对策。  相似文献   
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