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利用微脉冲激光雷达分析上海地区一次灰霾过程   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:13  
通过分析2008年6月至2009年5月期间浦东新区灰霾天气出现的特征,并以2008年12月19日至2008年12月21日一次典型的灰霾天气过程为例,利用激光雷达(Light laser detection and ranging,简称Lidar)数据资料反演得到气溶胶消光系数及其强度图和廓线图,结合地面气象数据和气溶胶观测资料,分析了此次灰霾天气形成的原因.一年的观测资料表明,上海地区冬季和春季易产生灰霾天气,冬季出现重度霾最多,秋季和夏季灰霾天气较少.较弱的太阳辐射以及静风、小风是导致灰霾天气发生的重要原因,且高湿度的霾天气对能见度影响更大.大气边界层(以下简称边界层)高度变化决定着灰霾天气发生的强度,当边界层高度在1km左右时,易发生轻微霾天气,当边界层高度降至600m左右时,易发生中度、重度霾天气,而太阳辐射强度变化决定着边界层高度的变化.轻微霾天气下,大气气溶胶垂直分布最强消光值约为0.15km-1,而重霾天气下可达0.30km-1以上.本次霾过程还受地面颗粒物排放的影响,主要是PM1和PM2.5,且在消光作用中散射性气溶胶的贡献大于吸收性气溶胶.轻微霾天气下PM2.5浓度为50μg·m-3,黑碳浓度为5000ng·m-3,浊度为200Mm-1,而重度霾时则分别达到200μg·m-3、24000ng·m-3和1400Mm-1.随着此次霾的出现,整层大气气溶胶光学厚度(AOD,550nm)不断增加,在重度霾时达到0.6左右,Angstrom指数在重度霾时显著降低,表明有大颗粒物导入,说明此次重度霾天气的发生还与气溶胶的输送有关.  相似文献   
Accurately quantifying the concentration and transport flux of atmospheric fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is vital when attempting to thoroughly identify the pollution formation mechanism. In this study, the mobile lidar measurements in Beijing on heavily polluted days in December from 2015 to 2018 are presented. The lidar was mounted on a vehicle, which could perform measurements along designated routes. On the basis of mobile lidar measurements along closed circuits of the 6th Ring Road around Beijing, the spatial distribution and transport flux of PM2.5 in Beijing were determined with information of wind field. In the spatial distribution, both the concentration and transport of PM2.5 were revealed to be more significant in the southern section of Beijing. The regional transport layer at heights < 1.3 km plays an important role in pollution formation. The maximum transport flux reached 1600 μg/(m2*sec) on 11 December 2016. With the aerosol boundary layer height determined from the image edge detection (IED) method, the inter-annual variations of the aerosol boundary layer height (ABLH) were also analysed. The ABLH decreased from 0.73 to 0.46 km during the same heavy pollution period from 2015 to 2018. Increasingly adverse aerosol boundary layer (ABL) meteorological factors, including lower ABLH, light winds, temperature inversions, and accumulated moisture, have become necessary for pollution formation in Beijing.  相似文献   
利用中山大学环境气象综合观测车(载有3D可视型激光雷达、多普勒风廓线激光雷达、转动拉曼温廓线激光雷达)于2018年冬季在全国范围内(厦门-北京)的走航观测资料,对我国中东部不同地区和城市的边界层结构以及颗粒物分布特征进行了研究.结果表明:(1)在从南向北走航的过程中,边界层内各个高度的温度以及边界层高度呈下降趋势.(2)不同高度发生颗粒物污染的气象成因有所差别,其中1000 m高度左右发生颗粒物污染的主要成因是较高的水平风速将周围地区的颗粒物输送过来而导致;500 m及近地面附近发生颗粒物污染主要是由水平风速较小导致局地来源的颗粒物堆积以及上游地区颗粒物的输送两者共同作用.(3)逆温结构和上升气流会导致颗粒物在边界层顶堆积,而下沉气流使得颗粒物由在某一高度堆积扩散至整层均匀分布.  相似文献   

The ULV spray emitted from a TBM flying in a cross wind was mapped by a scanning lidar system. The fate of the spray cloud for 2 min after release from the aircraft was followed as the material was transported downwind of the flight line. Vertical scans at 6 s intervals with 1 m‐3 resolution provided detailed insight into the entrainment of the spray into the wing‐tip vortices and ultimate release to drift or deposit. Relative concentration, dosage and deposit profiles are presented for this cross‐wind case. Vortex lifetimes were found to be significantly different for the up‐wind and downwind vortices. The majority of the near field deposit was associated with the up‐wind vortex while the drift was linked to the down‐wind vortex.  相似文献   
A combination of in-situ PM2.5, sunphotometers, upward pointing lidar and satellite aerosol optical depth (AOD) instruments have been employed to better understand variability in the correlation between AOD and PM2.5 at the surface. Previous studies have shown good correlation between these measures, especially in the US east, and encouraged the use of satellite data for spatially interpolating between ground sensors. This work shows that cases of weak correlation can be better understood with knowledge of whether the aerosol is confined to the surface planetary boundary layer (PBL) or aloft. Lidar apportionment of the fraction of aerosol optical depth that is within the PBL can be scaled to give better agreement with surface PM2.5 than does the total column amount. The study has shown that lidar combined with surface and remotely sensed data might be strategically used to improve our understanding of long-range or regionally transported pollutants in multiple dimensions.  相似文献   
鲜有出现空气质量问题的北方沿海城市青岛近年来也频频出现重污染天气. 2014年1月青岛市总计出现7 d重污染天气,其中1月15-18日是持续4 d的PM2.5重污染,其余的则分别出现在1月6日、11日和30日.为了获得气象条件对持续重污染天气发展、维持和消除的影响机制,利用激光雷达、大气稳定度仪探测数据以及地面、高空气象观测和空气质量监测数据,重点分析了1月15-18日持续重污染期间青岛市大气边界层气象要素的时间和空间特征.结果表明,2014年1月影响青岛冷空气势力弱、青岛近地面低于3 m/s的风速不利于污染物扩散,66%以上的相对湿度有利于污染物浓度增大.在污染源稳定的背景下,气象要素的差异性导致了污染物浓度时空分布的差异.在持续的弱偏北风下污染物浓度居高不下;在偏南风影响下,污染物浓度趋于下降.边界层内存在高层干冷弱北风和低层暖湿弱南风的风切变、稳定层结、低层相对湿度为70%的高湿大气以及交替出现的近地面南北风是此次重污染持续的主要原因.大气边界层高度变化对污染物浓度具有6 h左右的延迟影响;而低边界层高度、大稳定度因子,低云的存在和较高的污染物浓度之间具有较好的一致性变化趋势.当近地面温度升高、相对湿度减小以及增大的偏南风和存在弱不稳定层结时,有利于提高青岛局地大气扩散能力.   相似文献   
利用位于北京以及河北香河的两台地基Mie散射激光雷达、星载激光雷达、太阳光度计以及颗粒物监测仪等一系列仪器对发生在2008年5月底的一次沙尘事件进行立体监测并分析.结果表明,这起较严重的沙尘是由蒙古国输送而来,影响范围很广,持续时间较长,有三次明显的峰值,对应三次沙尘的来袭;沙尘的每次来袭都对应有先升温后降温的现象,并伴随有相对湿度的急剧下降;沙尘入侵前北京香河两地以细粒子为主,入侵后代之以粗粒子为主.  相似文献   
结合常规污染物监测、PM2.5化学组分监测、激光雷达监测和颗粒物数浓度及粒径监测等手段,对2017年5月影响北京市的一次沙尘天气过程进行分析。结果表明:5月4日凌晨起沙尘天气开始影响北京市,延庆、官园和通州3个站点PM10峰值浓度分别为2 091、2 245、2 590 μg/m3,体现了该次沙尘天气影响程度之重。PM2.5浓度与PM10变化一致,也达到重度污染的水平。沙尘天气移动路径是沿着区域西北至东南方向。沙尘天气主体从3 km左右的高空进入北京市,随后逐渐渗透至1 km高度以及地面,且沙尘层厚度较高,覆盖了地面至3 km的高度。沙尘天气过程中OM和Ca2+组分增幅最大。在沙尘天气影响严重时间段,沙尘天气源与生物质燃烧源比例之和大于50%,最高值为67.6%。沙尘天气过程中颗粒物峰值粒径为0.965~1.037 μm。  相似文献   
广州市春季一次沙尘天气过程综合观测   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
2017年4月21—23日广州市经历了一次远距离传输的沙尘天气过程,为了解沙尘过程对广州市空气质量的影响,基于广州市大气超级站,利用单颗粒气溶胶质谱(SPAMS)、气溶胶激光雷达观测数据并结合HYSPLIT后向轨迹模型分析了沙尘过程细颗粒物组分及污染来源贡献变化和沙尘气溶胶的来源及路径。结果表明:受沙尘过境影响,PM_(10)浓度大幅升高,PM_(2.5)/PM_(10)最小值仅为12.1%;沙尘过境期间影响近地面颗粒物的沙尘高度主要分布在1 km以下区域,近地面颗粒物消光系数均值为100.11 Mm~(-1),探测到最大退偏振比为0.28。SPAMS研究发现沙尘过境期间含硅酸盐颗粒物(SI)的细颗粒物数浓度比例达25.9%,是沙尘过境前的1.4倍;PM_(2.5)中扬尘贡献率明显增大,达到了17.3%,是沙尘过境前的1.9倍。后向轨迹模型HYSPLIT显示此次沙尘为典型的北方沙尘传输,沙尘源自中国西北地区,传输方向为自西北输送至华东地区后,转为东南方向影响广州市。  相似文献   
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