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Purification function of the natural wetland in the Liaohe Delta
Authors:Li Xiu-zhen  Qu Xiang-rong  WANG Lian-ping  ZHANG Hai-rong  Xiao Du-ning
Abstract:--The estuary wetland is the last barrier for inlandpollutants flowing into the sea. The possibility to use thenatural wetland, mainly reed marsh and Suaeda heteroptera communityas land treatment system to polluted river water was studied.Experimental results indicated that the reed march has a highretention rate to pollutants like COD, N, P and oil. The canalsystem has high a purification rate to these elements as well.There is also a big potential to use the Suaeda community as atreatment system to exchange water from prawn and crab breedingponds along the coast. As the pollution problem of coastalseawater has become more and more serious in Easteren China, andLiaohe is among the most seriously polluted 7 rivers in China, thisstudy will greatly contribute to the strategy makers to takesuitable reactions.
Keywords:purification function   wetland   reed marsh   canal   Suaeda community.
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