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引用本文:贾颖娜,赵柳依,黄燕. 美国流域水环境治理模式及对中国的启示研究[J]. 环境科学与管理, 2016, 0(1): 21-24. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-1212.2016.01.007
作者姓名:贾颖娜  赵柳依  黄燕
作者单位:浙江省环境保护科学设计研究院,浙江 杭州,310007
摘    要:从管理目标和范围、管理机构、法律支撑、运行机制、技术保障等方面介绍了美国流域一元体系下的多中心合作治理模式。以美国科罗拉多河流域污染治理实例进行具体分析,反应出科罗拉多河府际治理协调机制、联邦政府司法干预保障以及水权的配置与交易所产生的积极效果。提出对中国流域污染治理工作机制的启示,强调中央一元管制下的跨界协作;发展水权及排污权交易;面向控制单元建立总量控制体系。

关 键 词:美国  流域水环境  模式  启示

Watershed Management Pattern of America and Its Inspirations to China
Jia Yingna,Zhao Liuyi,Huang Yan. Watershed Management Pattern of America and Its Inspirations to China[J]. Environmental Science and Management, 2016, 0(1): 21-24. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-1212.2016.01.007
Authors:Jia Yingna  Zhao Liuyi  Huang Yan
Abstract:From the aspects of the management goal and scope, regulatory agencies, legal support, operational mechanism and technical support, a model of polycentric cooperative governance of American Watershed under the monism system is briefly introduced in this paper.The case of Colorado River watershed pollution control is taken for specific analysis, the results reflect the positive effect because of the intergovernmental management coordination mechanism , the federal government’s judicial inter-vention and the water rights allocation and trading.Based on this, the enlightenments to the watershed pollution control mecha-nism in China are presented in this paper, these are, ensure the legal status of the watershed administrative agencies through leg-islation, trans-boundary cooperation under a central monism system, promote the trading of the water rights and emission rights, and establish a total amount control system which is control unit oriented.
Keywords:America  watershed environment  pattern  inspirations
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