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引用本文:赵烨,岳建华,徐翠华,杜春光,常艳春. 137Cs示踪技术在滦河源区栗钙土风蚀速率估算中的应用[J]. 环境科学学报, 2005, 25(4): 562-566
作者姓名:赵烨  岳建华  徐翠华  杜春光  常艳春
作者单位:1. 北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院,北京,100875
2. 海南省环境科学研究院,海口,570206
3. 中国疾病预防控制中心辐射防护与核安全医学所,北京,100088
摘    要:对采集于滦河源区3个栗钙土剖面中的27个土层样品的pH、有机碳含量、碳酸钙含量、密度及质地进行了化验分析,运用ADCOM100超低本底γ谱仪测定了土壤样品1377Cs的比活度.结果表明,自然栗钙土以及被风蚀土壤剖面中137Cs比活度随深度呈指数递减式分布,其最大渗透深度可达约30cm;利用137Cs示踪技术估算的研究区土壤风蚀速率在0.1842cm·a-1和0.2897cm·a-1之间;栗钙土不同粒径土壤颗粒中137Cs的比活度差异显著,即细粒(粒径≤0.10mm的极细砂、粉粒和黏粒)中137Cs比活度大于细砂(0.10~0.25mm)中137Cs比活度大于粗粒(0.25~2.00mm的中砂、粗砂和极粗砂)中137Cs比活度.可见,运用137Cs示踪法可以定量估算区域土壤风蚀速率,但需综合考虑137s在土壤中的分布、土壤有机质含量和质地等因素,以使其结果将更为准确.

关 键 词:^137Cs示踪技术 土壤 风蚀速率 滦河源区 栗钙土 比活度

Application of 137Cs tracer technique to estimate the wind erosion rate of Castanozem in Luanhe River Source Area
ZHAO Ye,YUE Jianhu,XU Cuihu,DU Chunguang and CHANG Yanchun. Application of 137Cs tracer technique to estimate the wind erosion rate of Castanozem in Luanhe River Source Area[J]. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 2005, 25(4): 562-566
Authors:ZHAO Ye  YUE Jianhu  XU Cuihu  DU Chunguang  CHANG Yanchun
Abstract:137Cs has been widely used for estimating the soil erosion and sediment rate. However, the depth distribution patterns of 137Cs in the soil profile and the 137Cs activities in different particle fractions of soil have not been investigated, so the erosion rate may be over-estimated or underestimated. Based on the investigation of the soil and soil-forming environment of Luanhe River Source Area in North China, the experimental results show that the depth distribution pattern of 137Cs in the natural Castanozem (undisturbed soil) and eroded soils is an exponential decrease with soil depth. The estimated wind erosion rates in Luanhe River Source Area range between 0.1842cm?a-1 and 0.2897cm?a-1. The 137Cs concentration of the fine fraction which includes the clay, silt and very fine sand is higher than that of the middle size sand, coarse sand and very coarse sand of the same soil. Therefore, the depth distribution pattern, the grain-sizedistribution and the soil characteristic should also be considered when soil erosion rate is estimated by using 137Cs.
Keywords:Cs tracer technique  soil wind erosion rate  Luanhe River Source Area
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