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Science and the Consequences of Mistruct: Lessons from Recent GM Controversies
Authors:Dane Scott
Affiliation:(1) Department of Philosophy, Western Carolina University, United States
Abstract:In 2001, it was announced thattransgenic DNA had introgressed intotraditional strains of maize in Mexico. Acontroversy erupted and raged throughout 2001and 2002. This episode represents an acutebreakdown in scientific discourse. Given thestakes in the genetically modified organismdebate, a breakdown in scientific discourse isalarming. The following inquiry looks into thecauses of this breakdown. Ultimately, it willbe argued that the underlying problem is thecurrent institutional structure of science,particularly in the United States. If thediagnosis is correct, then the proper course oftreatment is to pursue a program ofinstitutional reconstruction.
Keywords:conflict of interest  genetically modified organisms  scientific discourse  transgenic crops  trust
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