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引用本文:谢森,何连生,田学达,席北斗,陈林,于会彬. 巢湖水质时空分布模式研究[J]. 环境工程学报, 2010, 4(3): 531-539
作者姓名:谢森  何连生  田学达  席北斗  陈林  于会彬
摘    要:
依据2004~2006年12个采样点11个水质指标数据,应用主成分分析(PCA)、聚类分析(CA)、判别分析(DA)和基于G IS平台的克里格插值法,对巢湖水质时空分布模式进行研究。通过统计分析将巢湖11个水质指标概括为4个主成分:第一主成分COD、BOD5和Chl-a;第二主成分电导率、NH4+-N、TN和TP;第三主成分温度和DO;第四主成分pH和SD。在空间尺度上分为2组,分别对应于东西半湖。除了DO指标,空间上西半湖周边区域的水质指标浓度显著高于东半湖;东西半湖TP和COD空间分布相似;在时间尺度上,可分为1月~3月份、12月份一组和4月~11月份一组;TP、COD、DO和SD指标第一时期浓度高于第二时期,温度、电导率和Chl-a指标则相反;溶解氧和温度两者的时间差异性呈现明显的负相关。并对采样点和采样频次进行了适当优化。

关 键 词:水质  时空分布  主成分分析  聚类分析  判别分析  巢湖

Study on temporal and spatial distribution patterns of water quality in Chaohu Lake
Xie Sen,He Liansheng,Tian Xued,Xi Beidou,Chen Lin and Yu Huibin. Study on temporal and spatial distribution patterns of water quality in Chaohu Lake[J]. Techniques and Equipment for Environmental Pollution Control, 2010, 4(3): 531-539
Authors:Xie Sen  He Liansheng  Tian Xued  Xi Beidou  Chen Lin  Yu Huibin
Affiliation:1.Department of Environmental Engineering;Xiangtan University;Xiangtan 411105;China;2.Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science;Beijing 100012;3.Land and Resources College;China West Normal University;Nanchong 637002;China
Various methods including principal component analysis(PCA),Hierarchical cluster analysis(CA),discriminant analysis(DA) and GIS-based kriging methods were used to analyze data sets of water quality for 11 parameters monitored at 12 different sites of Chaohu Lake from 2004 to 2006 to determine temporal and spatial distribution patterns in water quality.The significance of the four principal components was verified:the first principal components included COD,BOD5 and chlorophyll-a(Chl-a);the second included e...
Keywords:water quality  temporal and spatial distribution  principal component analysis(PCA)  cluster analysis(CA)  discriminant analysis(DA)  Chaohu Lake
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