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Performance Audit Results for Volatile POHC Measurements
Authors:R. K. M. Jayanty  C.K. Sokol  D. J. Von Lehmden
Affiliation:1. Research Triangle Institute , Research Triangle Park , NC , 27709 , USA;2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency , Research Triangle Park , NC , 27711 , USA
Abstract:Audit materials containing principal organic hazardous constituents (POHCs) have been developed by EPA for use by federal, state, and local agencies or their contractors to assess the accuracy of measurement methods used during RCRA trial burn tests. Audit materials are currently available for 27gaseous organics in five, six, seven, and nine-component mixtures at parts-per-billion levels (7 to 10,000 ppb) in compressed gas cylinders in a balance gas of nitrogen. The criteria used for the selection of 27 gaseous organic compounds is described.

Stability studies indicate that all of the organics tested (with the exception of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide below 10 ppb levels) are stable enough to be used as reliable audit materials.

Subsequent to completion of the stability studies, 89 performance audits have been conducted with the audit materials to assess the accuracy of the Volatile Organic Sampling Train (VOST) and bag measurement methods during or prior to RCRA trial burn tests. A summary of the audits conducted for each POHC and the measurement system audited is shown in this paper. The audit results obtained with audit gases during RCRA trial burn tests are generally within ±50 percent of the audit concentrations.
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