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引用本文:邹蓝. 中西部地区的改革发展与沿海要素西移[J]. 自然资源学报, 1998, 13(3): 267-272. DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.1998.03.012
摘    要:沿海企业因成本全面上升和资源分布格局的变化开始向西转移扩张。这对于缺乏投资而改革与发展滞后的内陆地区有促进发展和改革的双重意义。沿海由此为新产业发展让出空间,调整自己的产业结构;中西部则因要素注入而得以加速企业改革和发展,缩小中国区域发展差距。中央和地方政府政策和角色均应作调整,以方便和鼓励产业向西转移。

关 键 词:沿海  企业  资源  成本  转移  中西部地区  发展  改革  收购/兼并

ZOU Lan. INVESTMENT FROM THE COAST:WEST CHINA REFORM AND DEVELOPMENT[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 1998, 13(3): 267-272. DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.1998.03.012
Authors:ZOU Lan
Affiliation:Research Institute for Restructuring Economic System, State Commission for Economic Restructuring, Beijing 100035
Abstract:Production factors are moving westward from the coastal areas in China. As a result, M/A activities are increasing, beneficial to the check of the enlargement of regional gaps. The westward movement of the factors is caused by the overall rise of cost for the coastal enterprises which are labor intensive, high material and energy consuming. Public listed companies intend to expand towards inland areas.The regional imbalance is mainly caused by the price distortion under central planned economy practised from the 1950s through to 1992. Cheaper resources from Western China made the profits in coastal manufacturing sectors seemingly high. Therefore, after opening and reform in the late 1970s, favorable policies and priority investments were earmarked for coastal areas only, promoting the coastal development effectively as talents, capitals and know hows from all over the nation concentrated in East China, while depriving the development potentials of the inland areas. They were the negative incentives.State intervention in Western China's development is necessary, but not in a traditional sense. The state's role is to improve the infrastructures to facilitate the entry of the coastal investors and set up a favorable policy environment and a better legal framework to induce and protect the new investors. Meanwhile economic policies in Western China have to be readjusted to promote the growth of the non state sectors, which are dwarfed by the state sector.
Keywords:West China   coast   enterprise   cost   reform   relocation   merger/acquisition  
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