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引用本文:李楼德,袁宏杰. 板级电子产品加速因子预计方法研究[J]. 装备环境工程, 2012, 9(4): 42-45
作者姓名:李楼德  袁宏杰
摘    要:针对长寿命、高可靠电子产品加速因子的确定极为困难以及需要获取大量的可靠性试验数据的难题,在合理假设的基础上,提出了板级电子产品的加速因子预计方法,推导了综合预计模型。该方法基于平均失效率的概念,采用由底层数据向上层结构综合的思想,利用产品各组成单元的加速因子和平均失效率以及综合加速因子预计模型,将各单元信息进行了综合,得到了板级电子产品的等效加速因子。所预计的加速因子既可为产品的加速试验条件的制定提供参考,也可为小子样产品的可靠性与寿命评估增加信息量。最后,采用该方法对某通讯设备上的印制电路板温度影响下的加速因子进行了预计,得到了合理的结果,证明了该方法是正确的、有效的。

关 键 词:可靠性;加速因子预计;板级电子产品;平均失效率

Acceleration Factor Estimation Method of PCB
LI Lou-de and YUAN Hong-jie. Acceleration Factor Estimation Method of PCB[J]. Equipment Environmental Engineering, 2012, 9(4): 42-45
Authors:LI Lou-de and YUAN Hong-jie
Abstract:It is difficult to determine the acceleration factor of electric device with long storage life which relies on plenty of experiment data. A new method to estimate the acceleration factor of electric device was put forward and the related equivalent estimation model was deduced. The method estimated the acceleration factor by using the acceleration factors and average failure rates of its sub-units based on the theory of equivalent failure rate. The estimated acceleration factor of electric device can be a reference for the accelerating test value. On the other hand, it can expend the quantity of information for assessing the storage life of the electric device. At last, the acceleration factor of a PCB was estimated by using the proposed method under the influence of temperature. The reasonable estimated result proved that the method proposed is valid.
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