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引用本文:冯亚平,方亚群,傅文昭,杨勇,宋义宽,何玉文,宋世华,王林生. 五氯酚对环境污染及居民健康影响研究[J]. 四川环境, 1995, 0(1)
作者姓名:冯亚平  方亚群  傅文昭  杨勇  宋义宽  何玉文  宋世华  王林生
摘    要:中国长期以来使用五氯酚纳盐杀灭亡血吸虫的中间宿主──—钉螺.为评价它对环境的污染及居民健康危害,1990-1993年在我省开展了五氯酚环境污染及对居民健康影响研究.在研究区采集环境样品(空气、水体、土壤及底泥、蔬菜、肉、蛋、鱼等)共173份;生物材料(人血、尿)共457份,分析五氯酚浓度.结果在明,在五氯酚使用区,环境中PCP浓度稍高于对照区,而生物材料尿、血中PCP浓度明显高于对照区.全血胆碱脂酶活性用药区明显低于对照区,统计学分析有显著差异(P<0.001),证实了长期低剂量使用可造成环境及生物蓄积.

关 键 词:五氯酚,环境污染,健康危害

Enviromental Contamination of Pentachlorphenal and Resident Health Research
Feng Yapin,Fang Yaqun,Yang Yong,Fu Wenshao, Shong Yikuan. Enviromental Contamination of Pentachlorphenal and Resident Health Research[J]. Sichuan Environment, 1995, 0(1)
Authors:Feng Yapin  Fang Yaqun  Yang Yong  Fu Wenshao   Shong Yikuan
Abstract:In China ,pentachlorophenel(PCP) and Na-PCP have been used for control of intermediate miasis for a long time. To as-sess its health hazard and environmental contaminations a study was conducted in 1990-1995 in Sichuan Ptovince.The 173 of eviron-mental and food samples were analysed for PCP concentration. 300 individuals aged 19-65 yeats who have been living in the monitoringarea for at least 5 years were interviwed ,examined and 457 of blood and urine samples wert collected for analysis PCP concenteation ,val-uesa of HB,WBC and ACHE.The results Showed that the environment in the area where PCP was used was slightly polluted,and the blood-PCP,Urine-PCP were higher,the ACHE were lower than these of normal resident (P<0.001).It confirmed that a slight tenden-cy to bioaccumulation of PCP exisited in study group.
Keywords:Pentachlorophenol(PCP)  environmental contamination  health hazard.
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