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Vested Interest theory and disaster preparedness
Authors:Claude H. Miller  Bradley J. Adame  Scott D. Moore
Affiliation:1. Associate Professor, Department of Communication, University of Oklahoma, United States;2. Post‐Doctoral Researcher, Center for Applied Social Research, University of Oklahoma, United States;3. Professor, Division of Continuing and Global Education, California State University, Fresno, United States
Abstract:Three studies were designed to extend a combination of vested interest theory (VI) and the extended parallel process model of fear appeals (EPPM) to provide formative research for creating more effective disaster preparedness social action campaigns. The aim was to develop an effective VI scale for assessing individual awareness and ‘vestedness’ relevant to disaster preparedness. Typical preparedness behaviours are discussed with emphasis on earthquakes and tornados in particular. Brief overviews of VI and the EPPM are offered, and findings are presented from three studies (one dealing with earthquakes, and two with tornados) conducted to determine the factor structure of the key VI components involved, and to develop and test subscales derived from the two theories. The paper finishes with a discussion of future research needs and suggestions on how the new subscales may be applied in the design and execution of more effective disaster preparedness campaigns.
Keywords:attitude–  behaviour consistency  certainty  disaster preparedness  earthquakes  fear appeals  immediacy  salience  tornados  vested interest
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