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Identification of Driver Model Parameters
Authors:Andrzej Reński
Affiliation:1. Institute of Vehicles, Warsaw University of Technology, Polandarenski@simr.pw.edu.pl.
Abstract:The paper presents a driver model, which can be used in a computer simulation of a curved ride of a car. The identification of the driver parameters consisted in a comparison of the results of computer calculations obtained for the driver-vehicle-environment model with different driver data sets with test results of the double lane-change manoeuvre (Standard No. ISO/TR 3888:1975, International Organization for Standardization [ISO], 1975) and the wind gust manoeuvre. The optimisation method allows to choose for each real driver a set of driver model parameters for which the differences between test and calculation results are smallest. The presented driver model can be used in investigating the driver-vehicle control system, which allows to adapt the car construction to the psychophysical characteristics of a driver.
Keywords:driver  vehicle  active safety  driver-vehicle-environment system  computer simulation
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