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Safety Studies on Hydraulic Proportional Valves With Electrical Position Feedback
Authors:Dietmar Reinert  Tetsuya Kimura  Karl-Josef Gorgs
Affiliation:1. BG Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BGIA), Sankt Augustin, GermanyDietmar.Reinert@hvbg.de;3. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT), Nagaoka Niigata, Japan;4. BG Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BGIA), Sankt Augustin, Germany
Abstract:The authors analysed a proportional valve with electrical position feedback for its failure behaviour. Severalfailures were introduced into the feedback loop, especially into the 2 solenoids and the inductive positiontransducer. The behaviour of the valve for square and ramp reference signals was recorded and systematicallyanalysed. It was shown that failures could be detected by monitoring the residual signal from the equipmentunder control or the residual signal from the sensor. It was possible to achieve the safe position within twice thenormal response time of the valve by switching off the current of both solenoids. The application of these resultsfor a new generation of safe proportional valves is discussed. The use of the results of these investigationsobviates the need for redundancy of the electrical position monitoring arrangement in a safe proportionalvalve.
Keywords:proportional value  electrical position feedback  failure behaviour  hydraulic safety  fault detection
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