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Evaluation of a chemical stabilization process
Authors:Thomas R. Weissinger  Mark J. Girovich
Abstract:Environmental Resources Management (ERM) performed an evaluation of a biosolids chemical stabilization process known as BIO*FIX®, marketed by Bio Gro Systems, Inc., of Annapolis, Maryland. The purpose of the evaluation was (1) to assess major characteristics of the process and its final product, (2) to determine the quantity and final disposition of all components in the incoming biosolids, and (3) to determine if the process conforms to new regulations promulgated and administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) titled “Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludges” (40 CFR Part 503). The BIO*FIX® chemical stabilization process involves the addition of calcium oxide (CaO) to dewatered biosolids at rates that achieve the pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements of the 503 program while creating a marketable end product used as an agricultural amendment. ERM's project involved the testing of four process streams in order to create a mass balance on the process. Laboratory analyses were performed on samples of the dewatered biosolids, the chemically-stabilized end product, and the scrubber water effluent. The primary components of concern tested in the above process streams were ammonia, metals, odorous compounds, particulate matter, and organic matter. Through the tests described in the article, ERM drew the following conclusions: (1) The major gaseous pollutant resulting from the BIO*FIX® process is gaseous ammonia. The total gaseous ammonia released from the product depends on the ammonia nitrogen content of the biosolids, and pH and temperature levels reached in the process. Additional ammonia is emitted when the end product is loaded in trucks and stored. Any gaseous ammonia remaining in the end product after processing will slowly dissipate over time. (2) Other potential odor pollutants such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and mercaptans were found to be below detectable levels in the uncontrolled exhaust gas. (3) Metals were not found in the exhaust gas in any detectable quantities. They would not be expected to volatilize during the process. Particulate matter emissions were found to be very low. (4) The pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements of the 40 CFR 503 regulations were met or exceeded. (5) Finally, through observations and tests, ERM found that the BIO*FIX® chemical stabilization process provides for a simple, viable, and effective conversion of biosolids into a beneficial use product in compliance with all pertinent regulations.
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