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The economics of landmine clearance in Afghanistan
Authors:Harris Geoff
Affiliation:University of Natal, School of Economics and Management, Durban, South Africa. Harrisg1@nu.ac.za
Abstract:This paper presents an economic evaluation of landmine clearance in Afghanistan. The main benefits comprise increased agricultural output, saved transport time and running costs, saved human casualties and the saved costs of supporting refugees and displaced persons. An investment of US$100 million between 1988 and 1998 is estimated to provide annual benefits of $50.3 million per annum between 1999 and 2008. This translates into net present values of between $935 and $1,744 million, depending on the rate of discount used. This contrasts with the negative NPVs estimated for several other countries.
Keywords:war    landmines    cost-benefit analysis    Asia    Afghanistan
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