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引用本文:刘奕伶,葛继稳,李艳元,彭凤姣,甘娟,谷金普. 古夫河着生藻类优势种体积与水质因子的相关性研究[J]. 中国环境科学, 2015, 35(7): 2182-2191
作者姓名:刘奕伶  葛继稳  李艳元  彭凤姣  甘娟  谷金普
作者单位:1. 中国地质大学湿地演化与生态恢复湖北省重点实验室,生态环境研究所,湖北武汉 430074
2. 中国地质大学湿地演化与生态恢复湖北省重点实验室,生态环境研究所,湖北武汉 430074; 中环国评 北京 科技有限公司武汉分公司,湖北武汉 430073
摘    要:
通过研究长江三峡库区古夫河着生藻类优势种体积的变化,探索影响其体积的主要水质因子,为河流水质评价提供依据.于2010年12月至2012年2月,对古夫河着生藻类和地表水采样11次,共鉴定着生藻类197种,检测水质指标10项.选取Mcnaughton优势度指数(Y)>0.02的着生藻类(共30种)作为优势种并计算体积;利用主成分分析(PCA)分析优势种藻类在不同月份的体积变化.结果显示,硅藻门对冷暖季的变化较为敏感.将水质因子与优势种藻类体积进行典范对应分析(CCA),结果显示水质因子与藻类体积相关性大小为:溶解氧>氨氮>叶绿素a>酸碱度>硝态氮>总磷>水温>总氮>总有机碳>化学需氧量.Monte Carlo显著性检验结果为溶解氧和氨氮对着生藻类体积的影响最大,其次为叶绿素a、酸碱度和硝态氮.硅藻门藻类体积的变化可以判断古夫河水体中溶解氧、氨氮、叶绿素a、酸碱度、硝态氮的含量与变化.

关 键 词:着生藻类体积  优势种  水质因子  典范对应分析(CCA)  古夫河  

Correlations between the volume of dominant periphytic algae species and the water quality parameters in Gufu River
LIU Yi-ling,GE Ji-wen,LI Yan-yuan,PENG Feng-jiao,GAN Juan,GU Jin-pu. Correlations between the volume of dominant periphytic algae species and the water quality parameters in Gufu River[J]. China Environmental Science, 2015, 35(7): 2182-2191
Authors:LIU Yi-ling  GE Ji-wen  LI Yan-yuan  PENG Feng-jiao  GAN Juan  GU Jin-pu
Changes in volume of periphytic algae dominant species in Gufu River of Three Gorges Reservoir Area were studied and the main parameters of water quality influencing the change were explored, in order to provide an evidence for the quality assessment of river water. Periphytic algae and water quality samples were collected eleven times from December 2010 to February, 2012. A total of 197 species were identified from the periphytic algae samples, and ten water quality factors were measured. The species of which Mcnaughton dominance-index (Y) was large than 0.02 were chosen as the dominant species and their volumes were calculated. The analysis of the volume changes of these dominant species (thirty species) during various months by using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed that Bacillariophyta were more sensitive to the seasonal variations. The analysis of the relationship between the water quality parameters and the volume of dominant species by Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) demonstrated that the sequencing of the correlations between the water quality and algae volumes were: DO >NH4+-N > chlorophyll a > pH >NO3--N> TP > Tem. > TN > TOC > COD. Monte Carlo significance test showed that the volume of dominant species was most influenced by COD and , and less by chlorophyll a, pH and . The results suggest that the variations of the volume of Bacillariophyta could partly reflect the variation of the concentrations of COD, chlorophyll a, pH and in Gufu River.
Keywords:volume of periphytic algae  dominant species  water quality parameters  Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA)  Gufu River
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