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Biodegradability of soil water soluble organic carbon extractedfrom seven di erent soils
Authors:SCAGLIA Barbara and ADANI Fabrizio
Affiliation:Department of Crop Science, Section of Soil Chemistry, University of Milano, Milan 20133, Italy. E-mail: barbara.scaglia@unimi.it and Department of Crop Science, Section of Soil Chemistry, University of Milano, Milan 20133, Italy.
Abstract:Water soluble organic carbon (WSOC) is considered the most mobile and reactive soil carbon source and its characterization is animportant issue for soil ecology study. A biodegradability test was set up to study WSOC extracted from 7 soils di erently managed.WSOC was extracted from soil with water (soil/water ratio of 1:2, W/V) for 30 min, and then tested for biodegradability by a liquid staterespirometric test. Result obtained confirmed the finding that WSOC biodegradability depended on the both land use and managementpractice. These results suggested the biodegradability test as suitable method to characterize WSOC, and provided useful informationto soil fertility.
Keywords:biodegradability test   cumulated oxygen uptake   water extractable organic carbon   water soluble organic carbon
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