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Life cycle of the copepod Calanus hyperboreus in the Greenland Sea
Authors:H.-J. Hirche
Affiliation:Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Columbusstra?e, D-27568 Bremerhaven, Germany, DE
Abstract:The seasonal ontogenetic migration of the Arctic copepod Calanus hyperboreus was described from surface-to-bottom hauls in the central Greenland Sea Gyre (GSG) and in the Westspitsbergen Current (WSC). All stages except females spent the winter below 500 m in the GSG and below 1000 m in the WSC. Seasonal ascent begins in April, and descent in July. For the C.␣hyperboreus population an active downward transport of 8.1 g m−2 dry weight during 8 months of overwintering was estimated, similar to flux rates of particulate matter in sediment traps. Seasonal distribution of biomass was determined from weight measurements of single stages. Annual means varied from 4.0 to 9.2 g m−2 in two different years in the GSG and were 1.1 in 1 year in the WSC. The life cycle in the Greenland Sea was reconstructed from field data on stage composition, vertical distribution, reproduction, and moult cycle phase from tooth development of CV. Laboratory experiments were conducted on the moulting of CIV and CV in fall. A 3-year (males) and 3- to 4-year (females) life cycle is proposed for the GSG and 2 to 3 years for the WSC. However, the small number of young larvae and the incomplete spring ascent by older copepodites observed in the WSC cast doubt on the reproductive success in the WSC. A suite of physiological strategies and adaptations performed by the developmental stages support survival of this species in harsh environments. Received: 25 January 1997 / Accepted: 11 February 1997
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