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引用本文:曾文炉,蔡昭铃,欧阳藩. 螺旋藻培养与动力学模型[J]. 应用与环境生物学报, 2001, 7(4): 360-364
作者姓名:曾文炉  蔡昭铃  欧阳藩
摘    要:
在内循环气升式光生物反应器中,就螺旋藻细胞在不同碳源培养其中的生长行以及藻细胞对光能和碳源的利用特性进行了初步研究,结果表明,向培养体系中通入气体流量1%的CO2,有助于提高经式培养的细胞终浓度和稳定培养体系的PH环境;改进的Lambert-Beer定律可较好地描述细胞浓度及光程对光衰减的综合影响,引入平均光强和平均比消光量概念,探讨了细胞比生长速率与它们之间的关系;藻液中总碳量随细胞浓度的上升呈指数关系减少,藻细胞对碳源的得率系数在批式 不同时期之间存在差异。图12参9

关 键 词:螺旋藻 光衰减 碳源 Lambert-Beer定律 生长动力学 培养基

Growth characteristies and dynamic model of Spirulina platensis
The growth behavior of Spirulina platensis under different kinds of carbon sources conditions, and utilization of light energy and inorganic carbon were studied. It was found that introduction of 1% CO 2 to the culture suspension could not only increase the final cell concentration, but also stabilize the pH environment of culture medium. Lambert Beer law was used to relate the cell concentration and optical length with the light attenuation by appropriate adjustment.Two useful concepts, average irradiance and specific light energy utilization rate, were introduced to describe the relationship between the cells growth and light utilization. The total carbon concentration decreased exponentially with the cells concentration, and the cell yield coefficient on the carbon varied with the cell growth phases. Fig 12 , Ref 9
Keywords:Spirulina platensis  light attenuation  inorganic carbon  Lambert Beer law  growth kinetics
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