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When signal meets noise: immunity of the frog ear to interference
Authors:Mario Penna  Juan Pablo Gormaz  Peter M. Narins
Affiliation:(1) Program of Physiology and Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, Casilla 70005, Correo 7, Santiago, Chile;(2) Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Clinical Hospital, University of Chile, Santos Dumont 999, Independencia, Santiago, Chile;(3) Departments of Physiological Science and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1606, USA
Abstract:Sound stimulates the tympanic membrane (TM) of anuran amphibians through multiple, poorly understood pathways. It is conceivable that interactions between the internal and external inputs to the TM contribute to the nonlinear effects that noise is known to produce at higher levels of the auditory pathway. To explore this issue, we conducted measurements of TM vibration in response to tones in the presence of noise in the frog Eupsophus calcaratus. Laser vibrometry revealed that the power spectra (n = 16) of the TM velocity in response to pure tones at a constant level of 80 dB sound-pressure level (SPL) had a maximum centered at an average frequency of 2,344 Hz (range 1,700–2,990 Hz) and a maximum velocity of 61.1 dB re 1 μm/s (range 42.9–66.6 dB re 1 μm/s). These TM-vibration velocity response profiles in the presence of increasing levels of 4-kHz band-pass noise were unaltered up to noise levels of 90 dB SPL. For the relatively low spectral densities of the noise used, the TM remains in its linear range. Such vibration patterns facilitate the detection of tonal signals in noise at the tympanic membrane and may underlie the remarkable vocal responsiveness maintained by males of E. calcaratus under noise interference.
Keywords:Anurans  Noise exposure  Tympanic membrane
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