Affiliation: | 1.Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Telegraphenberg A 31, 14412, Potsdam, Germany ;2.CSIRO Agriculture and Food, 306 Carmody Road, St.Lucia, QLD, 4067, Australia ;3.Climate Analytics, Friedrichstr 231, 10969, Berlin, Germany ;4.Overseas Development Institute (ODI), 203 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NJ, UK ;5.International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (UNESCO), Federal Institute of Hydrology, P.O. Box 200253, 56002, Koblenz, Germany ;6.University of New South Wales, High St, Kensington, NSW, 2052, Australia ;7.Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040, Madrid, Spain ;8.Instituto de Geociencias, CSIC-UCM, 28040, Madrid, Spain ;9.Stockholm Environment Institute, Linnegatan 87D, Stockholm, 11523, Sweden ;10.School of Public Affairs, Zhejiang University, 38 Zhe Da Road, Hangzhou, China ;11.Center for Economic Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Schackstr. 4, 80539, Munich, Germany ; |