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Of Catholicism,Forest and Management: An Analysis of Imaginaries in the Discussion of the Native Forest Law in Chile
Authors:Daniela Manuschevich  Bruno Takahashi  Carlos A. Ramirez-Pascualli  Yadira Nieves-Pizarro
Affiliation:1. Escuela de Geografía, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Santiago, Chile;2. School of Journalism, College of Communication Arts and Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA;3. Dirección de Formación General e inglés, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile
Abstract:The relationship between media and the construction of environmental policy has been studied acutely in the Global North. However, less attention has been paid to deeper cultural symbols displayed in public policy discussions in the Global South. Through qualitative examination of 100 letters to the editor (LTE) of the Chilean newspaper, El Mercurio, this study examined the imaginaries in the public discussion of the Native Forest Policy in Chile. Although such a discussion was often framed as a technical debate, the letters to El Mercurio were embedded within Catholic imaginaries, condensed into two main sets. The first one constructed forests as endangered due to human action and called for immediate protection, contending that humans shall not destroy God's creation. The second set depicted a degraded forest in need of rational management to satisfy the needs of God's children. This study suggests that, in a mediated public discussion, religion might play an important role in communicating environmental issues. This work contributes to our understanding of environmental imaginaries and discourses in the context of environmental controversies, to the understanding of the functions of the LTE, and to the social construction of forest policy in recent post-autocratic regimes.
Keywords:Chile  forest policy  imaginaries  letters to the editor  newspaper
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