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引用本文:赵永强,曾江宁,陈全震,高爱根,寿鹿,廖一波. 椒江河口滩涂贝类时空分布与环境因子的关系[J]. 应用与环境生物学报, 2009, 15(6)
作者姓名:赵永强  曾江宁  陈全震  高爱根  寿鹿  廖一波
基金项目:我国近海海洋综合调查与评价专项,海洋公益性行业科研专项(Nos.200805069;200705015)资助 Supported by the Chinese offshore Investigation and Assessment Project,the National Marine Public Welfare Research Project of China 
摘    要:在椒江口两岸共布设6条潮间带采样断面,于2007年10月和2008年1月、4月和7月进行大型底栖动物及环境因子(水温、沉积物温度、沉积物结构、盐度、滩涂宽度、总有机物和油类含量)的调查和测定;运用典范对应方法分析了贝类栖息密度和生物量与各环境因子的关系.结果表明:(1)研究区域共记录到贝类动物23种,其中腹足纲16种,双壳纲7种;(2)贝类柄息密度和生物量季节变化不显著,空间变化显著,平均值分别为610.01 ind m~(-2) 和25.40 g m~(-2);岩头断面中国绿螂的栖息密度和生物餐的季节均值分别可达2 415.28 ind m~(-2) 和110.41 g m~(-2),远高于其他物种;(3)典范对应分析结果显示,滩涂宽度、油类含量、有机质含量和沉积物粒度等环境因子与贝类的分布存在较大相关性.图5表3参28

关 键 词:椒江口  滩涂  贝类  环境因子  大型底栖动物  典范对应分析

Relationship of Environmental Factors with Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Macrobenthic Mollusks at a Tide Flat of Jiaojiang River Estuary
ZHAO Yongqiang,ZENG Jiangning,CHEN Quanzhei,GAO Aigen,SHOU Lu,LIAO Yibo. Relationship of Environmental Factors with Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Macrobenthic Mollusks at a Tide Flat of Jiaojiang River Estuary[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology, 2009, 15(6)
Authors:ZHAO Yongqiang  ZENG Jiangning  CHEN Quanzhei  GAO Aigen  SHOU Lu  LIAO Yibo
Abstract:In order to understand the distribution characteristics of macrobenthic mollusks, and the relationship between mollusks distribution and environmental factors at a tide flat of the Jiaojiang River Estuary, a investigation and measurement of macrobenthic mollusks and environmental factors (such as water temperature, sediment temperature, salinity, grain size of sediment, beach width, and contents of TOC and oil) was carried out including six intertidal sections in Oct. 2007, and Jan., Apr. and Jul. 2008. The relationship between the distribution of mollusks and each environmental factor was analyzed with canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) method. The results showed that: (1) 23 species of macrobenthic mollusks were obtained at the study area, of which 16 species belong to Gastropoda and others to Bivalvia; (2) Both the density and biomass of mollusks had significant differences between sediments but not among seasons, and the mean values of density and biomass were 610.01 ind m~(-2) and 25.40 g m~(-2), respectively. Besides, Glauconome chinensis had higher seasonal averages of density and biomass than any other species, which were 2 415.28 ind m~(-2) and 110.41 g m~(-2), respectively. (3) The grain size of sediment, beach width, and the contents of TOC and oil had an appreciable impact on the distribution of mollusks. Fig 5, Tab 3, Ref 28
Keywords:Jiaojiang River Estuary  tide flat  mollusks  environmental factor  macrozoobenthos  canonical correspondence analysis
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