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Authors:Menghua Wang  Allen T. Hjelmfelt  Jurgen Garbrecht
Abstract:ABSTRACT: The widely available USGS 7.5‐minute Digital Elevation Model (DEM) has a cell size of approximately 30 m × 30 m. This high resolution topographic information is impractical for many applications of distributed hydrologic and water quality models. In this study, cells were aggregated into coarse‐resolution areal units, termed grids, and a method to approximate flow direction for coarse‐resolution grids from 30 m DEM cells was developed. The method considers the flow path defined from the fine‐resolution DEM in determining a grid's flow direction and makes flow directions for grids closely follow the flow pattern suggested by the DEM. The aggregation method was applied to a DEM of Goodwater Creek, a nearly flat watershed that is located in central Missouri. The drainage networks derived for different levels of cell aggregations showed that grid aggregates of the Goodwater Creek watershed provided an adequate representation of the landscape topography.
Keywords:digital elevation model  DEM aggregation  flow direction  watershed properties
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