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Evaluation of methods for determining adverse impacts of air pollution on terrestrial ecosystems
Authors:Lorene L. Sigal  Glenn W. Suter II
Affiliation:(1) Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 37831 Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
Abstract:Methods used to determine adverse impacts of air pollution on four levels of biological organization of terrestrial ecosystems were evaluated for their use in decision making by federal land managers of class I areas and as guidelines for scientists employed to design field studies in these areas. At the level of the individual, visible injury, biomass, and sulfur uptake were the most often used components; at the population level, natality and mortality; at the community level, diversity; and at the ecosystem level, biogeochemical cycling. Most studies focused on structural responses of individual organisms. These components are relatively sensitive and are easy and inexpensive to measure; however, linkages of these parameters to adverse impacts on populations, communities, or ecosystems are lacking. Measurements of effects of air pollution at the higher levels of organization are confounded by natural variability, long response times, climatic variation, pathogens, and other factors. In addition, the lack of replication and of true control areas creates severe problems for design of monitoring programs and testing of hypotheses concerning effects.
Keywords:Adverse impacts  Air pollution  Measurement methods  Terrestrial ecosystems
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