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Predicting functional response and size selectivity of juvenile Notonecta maculata foraging on Daphnia magna
Authors:André   Gergs,Hans Toni Ratte
Affiliation:Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University, Worringer Weg 1, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Abstract:A mechanistic model was developed to assess the impact of predation of juvenile Notonecta maculata on size structured Daphnia magna populations and to provide a framework for quantifying the backswimmers uptake of food. Results of experiments and model predictions clearly demonstrate selective predation of backswimmers when fed with a choice of daphnid size classes, with patterns of selectivity differing across N. maculata instars. The model describes the foraging process empirically on the base of a general predation cycle including four conditional events instead of using classic functional response curves. For model parameterisation components of predation, namely probability of encounter, attack and success as well as time spent on handling prey was directly observed by means of video tracking experiments. Since attack rate, capture success and handling time appeared to be a function of prey size differing between Notonecta instars, the model takes into account ontogenic changes in both predator and prey characteristics. Independent data of functional response and size selectivity experiments were used for model validation and proved the model outcome to be consistent with observations.
Keywords:Size structured   Predator&ndash  prey system   Encounter   Attack rate   Success rate   Handling time   Video tracking   Mechanistic model
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