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引用本文:袁芳,汪莉,宋永会,王建森. 污水中磷的回收和利用途径[J]. 环境污染与防治, 2006, 28(7): 548-551
作者姓名:袁芳  汪莉  宋永会  王建森
作者单位:1. 北京科技大学环境工程系,北京,100083
2. 中国环境科学研究院水污染控制技术研究室,北京,100012
3. 邯郸学院化学系,河北,邯郸,056005
基金项目:人事部留学回国人员科技活动择优基金 , 中国环境科学研究基金
摘    要:综述了近年来污水中磷回收的主要技术方法,重点针对磷酸铵镁结晶法,对磷酸铵镁的形成、用途及该方法的可行性做了详细的介绍与评述.同时,阐述了利用磷酸盐溶解微生物,实现磷产品肥效的回收.并对今后磷回收、回用工作的开展,提出了建议.

关 键 词:污水  磷回收  磷肥  磷酸铵镁

Recovery and reuse of phosphorus in wastewater
Yuan Fang,Wang Li,Song Yonghui,Wang Jiansen. Recovery and reuse of phosphorus in wastewater[J]. Environmental Pollution & Control, 2006, 28(7): 548-551
Authors:Yuan Fang  Wang Li  Song Yonghui  Wang Jiansen
Affiliation:1. Department of Environmental Engineering of University of Science and Technology Beijing , Beijing 100083; 2. Laboratory of Water Pollution Control Technology of Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012; 3. Department of Chemistry of Handan College, Handan Hebei 056005
Abstract:This paper presents a review of methods for recovering phosphorus from wastewaters. Valuable and easily separable magnesium ammonium phosphate (MAP) is highlighted as the product of an ideal phosphate removal process. The fundamentals of MAP formation and the feasibility of producing MAP from wastewaters are discussed in detail. The presence of microorganisms capable of solubilizing phosphate makes the recovered phosphorus product useful as a fertilizer. The paper also describes three areas requiring additional research to obtain essential information for cost effective recovery and reuse of phosphorus in wastewaters.
Keywords:Wastewater Phosphorus recovery Phosphate fertilizer Magnesium ammonium phosphate
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