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Electrically enhanced photodegradation of an azodye(Acid Orange II) using a Pt/TiO_2 film electrode irradiating with an UV lamp
引用本文:SU Jing 1,QUAN Xie 1*,CHEN Shuo 1,ZHAO Ya zhi 1,CHEN Guo hua 2 (1 School of Environmental Science and Technology,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116012,China. , 2 Department of Chemical Engineering,Hong Kong University of Science. Electrically enhanced photodegradation of an azodye(Acid Orange II) using a Pt/TiO_2 film electrode irradiating with an UV lamp[J]. 环境科学学报(英文版), 2003, 0(1)
作者姓名:SU Jing 1  QUAN Xie 1*  CHEN Shuo 1  ZHAO Ya zhi 1  CHEN Guo hua 2 (1 School of Environmental Science and Technology  Dalian University of Technology  Dalian 116012  China.    2 Department of Chemical Engineering  Hong Kong University of Science
作者单位:1 School of Environmental Science and Technology,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116012,China. ; 2 Department of Chemical Engineering,Hong Kong University of Science
基金项目:TheScienceandTechnologyFoundationofLiaoningProvince(No.96 2 118)
摘    要:IntroductionTheprintinganddyeingindustryhasahighpotentialenvironmentalimpact,principallyduetothereleaseoflargevolumesofwastewaterthatcontainhighorganicchargeandstrongcoloration .Therearemanyprocessestotreatwastewaterfromprintinganddyeingindustry ,butth…

Electrically enhanced photodegradation of an azodye(Acid Orange II) using a Pt/TiO_2 film electrode irradiating with an UV lamp
SU Jing ,QUAN Xie ,CHEN Shuo ,ZHAO Ya zhi ,CHEN Guo hua. Electrically enhanced photodegradation of an azodye(Acid Orange II) using a Pt/TiO_2 film electrode irradiating with an UV lamp[J]. Journal of environmental sciences (China), 2003, 0(1)
Authors:SU Jing   QUAN Xie   CHEN Shuo   ZHAO Ya zhi   CHEN Guo hua
Affiliation:SU Jing 1,QUAN Xie 1*,CHEN Shuo 1,ZHAO Ya zhi 1,CHEN Guo hua 2
Abstract:A photoelectrochemical process in the degradation of an azodye (Acid Orange II) on a Pt/TiO 2 film electrode was investigated. By using the glass device and the voltage stabilized source of direct current, decolorization ratios higher than 78% were observed during a period of 5h. Comparing this value with the sum of the decolorization ratios obtained by a sole application of electrochemical(lower than 3%) and photochemical(about 23%) procedures, a significant synergic effect between both processes was observed. The effects of adscititious voltage and pH value on the decolorization ratios were obvious while the effect of the amount of aeration was minor.
Keywords:photoelectrochemical process  Pt/TiO 2 film electrode  synergic effect
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