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Effect of dissolved humic matters on the leachability of PCDD/F from fly ash--laboratory experiment using Aldrich humic acid
Authors:Kim Yong-Jin  Lee Dong-Hoon  Osako Masahiro
Affiliation:Department of Waste Management Research, The National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tokyo, Japan. kim.yongjin@nies.go.jp
Abstract:The effect of dissolved humic matters (DHM) on the leachability of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) in fly ash was studied theoretically and in laboratorial condition to verify the previous results for pilot and field experiment of incineration residues landfill. In theoretical review, it was shown that DHM could influence the actual solubility and leachability of PCDD/F. The higher concentration of DHM showed the higher leachability of PCDD/F. In the leaching test, three different DHM concentrations and pHs of solutions were adopted to fly ash samples imaging the various characteristics of municipal solid waste leachate. It was proved experimentally that the leachability of PCDD/F increased with increasing DHM concentration in all pH conditions. The highest leachability was shown at the highest pH. Isomer distribution patterns of PCDD/F in all leachates were similar in all pH conditions. It backed up the distribution theory of PCDD/F between DHM and water.
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