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引用本文:姜建生,蒋建国,梁顺文,吴学龙. 深圳玉龙坑垃圾填埋场填埋气体产生量预测研究[J]. 新疆环境保护, 2004, 26(2): 27-30
作者姓名:姜建生  蒋建国  梁顺文  吴学龙
作者单位:1. 深圳市环境卫生管理处,深圳,518001
2. 清华大学环境科学与工程系,北京,100084
摘    要:通过综合垃圾填埋量、垃圾组分、以及气候特点等因素,采用二阶段复合产气速率模型对玉龙坑填埋场封场前后填埋气体产生量情况进行了预测。预测结果表明玉龙坑填埋场在封场后10年内仍有较大量的填埋气体产生,若不加以妥善处理将会产生安全隐患,若加以利用会产生经济效益。该模型的应用可为垃圾填埋场进行填埋气体产生量预测及收集处理系统的设计、管理提供合理的依据。

关 键 词:填埋气体  垃圾填埋场  产生量  垃圾组分  封场  产气速率  处理系统  预测研究  深圳  经济效益

Prediction for Landfill Gas Generation at Yulongkeng MSW Landfill
JIANG Jian-sheng,JIANG Jian-guo,LIANG Shun-wen,WU Xue-long. Prediction for Landfill Gas Generation at Yulongkeng MSW Landfill[J]. Environmental Protection of Xinjiang, 2004, 26(2): 27-30
Authors:JIANG Jian-sheng  JIANG Jian-guo  LIANG Shun-wen  WU Xue-long
Affiliation:JIANG Jian-sheng~1,JIANG Jian-guo~2,LIANG Shun-wen~1,WU Xue-long~1
Abstract:In terms of the factors of municipal solid waste (MSW) generaion, waste composition and climate character, two phase combined landfill gas (LFG) generation modelling was used to predict the LFG generation situations for Yulongkeng MSW Landfill before and afer its final cover. The prediction result demonstrated that this landfll site would have a large amount LFG generation in 10 years after final cover, and it would cause safety problems without considering treating the LFG, on the other hand, it could have considerabel benefit to collect and recycle the LFG. It thus provides a scientific basis for environmental impact prediction and assessment of LFG generation and for designing and management of LFG collection and treatment systems.
Keywords:sanitary landfill  landfill gas (LFG)  LFG generation prediction modelling
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