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Heavy metals in albanian coastal sediments
Authors:Paola Rivaro  Carmela Ianni  Serena Massolo  Nicoletta Ruggieri  Roberto Frache
Affiliation:1. rivaro@chimica.unige.it
Heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Cd, Pb, Sn) concentration has been determined on 39 coastal sediment samples collected in Albania. The relationship between the heavy metals content and the grain size has been considered. All metals, except Cu and Cd, resulted accumulated in the finest fraction, which constituted up to 95% of most of the considered sediments. A good correlation has been found for Ni, Cr, Fe, Zn, Cu in the entire area, indicating a common origin for these metals in the analyzed sediments. Concentration values fall in the range reported for Dinaric chain derived sediments, revealing, generally, a natural origin of the metal contents. Though in some selected areas such as the Drin and the Skumbin Bay, an antropogenic input of Cr, Fe, Ni and Cu can be observed, as the result of discharging of mines and smelter activities.
Keywords:Adriatic Sea  Albania  Sediments  Heavy metals  Grain size
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