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Partitioning of Cs-137 Between Sediment and Water From the Black Sea
Authors:M. Fuhrmann  R. Pietrzak  J. Neiheisel  R. Dyer
Affiliation:1. Department of Nuclear Energy, Brookhaven National Laboratory , Upton, New York, 11973;2. US Environmental Protection Agency , Washington, DC

As part of a joint USA/USSR Environmental Agreement to determine the distribution and concentration of Chernobyl radioactivity in the northwest Black Sea area, the sediment from eight stations was collected and analyzed to assess the ability of this material to adsorb radiocaesium. Batch tests were conducted in which Cs-137 tracer was added to mixtures of sediment and bottom water, with contact solutions ranging from 85 Bq ml?1 to 1,760 Bq ml?1. This work was done in an argon atmosphere at 9.5°C, which is the average temperature of the sediment. Isotherms were linear for all cores and distribution ratios (RD) calculated from the slopes of the isotherms ranged from 660 to 1,660 ml g?1. These isotherms fit a simplified Freundlich isotherm. Correlations of RD to a number of sediment parameters describing texture and mineralogy were determined. A close relationship was observed between RD for caesium and the percentage of illite contained in the samples.
Keywords:Cs-137  Black Sea sediments  Chernobyl
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