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引用本文:王罗春,赵由才,陆雍森. 大型垃圾填埋场垃圾稳定化研究[J]. 环境工程学报, 2001, 2(4): 15-17
作者姓名:王罗春  赵由才  陆雍森
作者单位:1. 上海电力学院环境工程系,上海200090
2. 同济大学污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室,上海200092
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (2 97770 1 9)
摘    要:
本文对大型垃圾填埋场内不同填埋时间垃圾四个组分 (总糖、有机质、生物可降解物和粗纤维 )含量进行了分析 ,并对各指标随填埋时间的变化趋势进行了讨论。结果表明 :在试验场封场后不久 ,垃圾取样均匀性不能保证 ,各指标随时间变化波动很大 ;封场 71 8d后 ,各指标随时间变化呈现一定的规律性 ,垃圾的生物可降解物含量变化能较好地反映垃圾的降解规律。

关 键 词:大型垃圾填埋场  总糖  有机质  生物可降解物  粗纤维

The study on stabilization of refuse in large-scale landfills
Wang Luochun Zhao Youcai Lu Yongsen. The study on stabilization of refuse in large-scale landfills[J]. Techniques and Equipment for Environmental Pollution Control, 2001, 2(4): 15-17
Authors:Wang Luochun Zhao Youcai Lu Yongsen
Affiliation:Wang Luochun 1 Zhao Youcai 2 Lu Yongsen 2
In this paper, content of total sugar, organic matter, biologically degradable matter(BDM) and coarse fibre of refuse in large-scale landfill at different time was analyzed, change trend of each index was discussed, and results showed that sampling uniformity was not good shortly after landfill being closed , after landfill being closed 718 days, change trend of each index was regular and content change trend of biologically degradable matter can better reflect degradation rule of refuse.
Keywords:large-scale landfill  total sugar  organic matter  biologically degradable matter  coarse fibre  
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