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Coordinating a group departure: who produces the piping signals on honeybee swarms?
Authors:P. Kirk Visscher  Thomas D. Seeley
Affiliation:(1) Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521, USA;(2) Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Abstract:A swarm of honeybees provides a striking example of an animal group performing a synchronized departure for a new location; in this case, thousands of bees taking off at once to fly to a new home. However, the means by which this is achieved remain unclear. Shortly before takeoff, one hears a crescendo of a high-pitched mechanical signal—worker piping—so we explored the role of this signal in coordinating a swarm’s mass takeoff. Specifically, we examined whether exclusively nest site scouts produce the worker piping signal or whether it is produced in a relay or chain reaction fashion. We found no evidence that bees other than the scouts that have visited the swarm’s chosen nest site produce piping signals. This absence of relay communication in piping suggests that it is a signal that only primes swarms for takeoff and that the release of takeoff is triggered by some other signal or cue; perhaps the takeoff of bees on the swarm periphery as they reach flight temperature in response to piping.
Keywords:Apis mellifera   Decision-making  Group movement  Piping  Positive feedback
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