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Fingerprinting of Gasoline and Coal Tar NAPL Volatile Hydrocarbons Dissolved in Groundwater
Abstract:Accidental spills and chronic leaks of fuel oil or other hydrocarbon material (e.g., coal tar) often result in subsurface accumulation of nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL), which can be a subsequent source of contamination in groundwater. Linking hydrocarbons in groundwater to a source NAPL has been difficult when using standard target analytes (e.g., BTEX) because of differences in partitioning properties of the analytes between the source NAPL and groundwater. Because aqueous solubility is predicted to be the controlling influence in the partitioning of hydrocarbons from NAPL to groundwater, a solubility-based approach to matching dissolved hydrocarbons in groundwater to their source NAPL has been developed and validated for two sites with commonly encountered types of NAPL contamination. Specifically, a gasoline LNAPL and a coal tar DNAPL from two separate sites (West Virginia and California) and groundwater interfaced with these NAPLs were analyzed for approximately 50 gasoline-range hydrocarbons consisting of paraffin, isoparaffin, (mono-) aromatic, naphthene, and olefin compounds (PIANO). Solubility characteristics of selected alkyl aromatic hydrocarbons from the PIANO analysis were used to identify a set of diagnostic hydrocarbons, expressed as hydrocarbon ratios, which were found to be useful in distinguishing the source(s) of hydrocarbons in groundwater. At the West Virginia site, the diagnostic ratios in a downgradient groundwater sample were similar to those of a gasoline NAPL at that site, indicating the source of hydrocarbons to the groundwater was the upgradient gasoline NAPL. The diagnostic ratios of the groundwater in contact with the gasoline NAPL and the remote groundwater were also similar, providing evidence that the diagnostic ratios were retained during transport in the aquifer. At the California site, diagnostic ratios in a cross-gradient groundwater sample differed from those of the coal tar NAPL at that site, indicating that the remote groundwater hydrocarbons did not originate from the coal tar contamination. Environmental factors such as selective degradation of specific isomers and various geological conditions (e.g., soil mineralogy, and organic content) may confound the application of this solubility-based fingerprinting approach. Thus, it is recommended that multiple diagnostic pairs be simultaneously evaluated when considering this fingerprinting approach for specific sites and product types.
Keywords:hydrocarbon fingerprinting  PIANO  mono-aromatics  solubility  coal tar  gasoline
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