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引用本文:刘长虹,葛培明,钱文明,XUAN Fu-zhen,QIAN Wen-ming. 轿车盘式制动器刹车时产生噪音数值模拟[J]. 环境科学与技术, 2008, 31(12)
作者姓名:刘长虹  葛培明  钱文明  XUAN Fu-zhen  QIAN Wen-ming
作者单位:1. 华东理工大学机械与动力工程学院承压系统安全科学教育部重点实验室,上海,200237
2. 同济大学航空航天与力学学院,上海,200092
3. 上海工程技术大学汽车工程学院,上海,201620
基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划) , 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 , 上海市重点学科建设项目  
摘    要:利用有限元分析方法,针对某型轿车盘式制动器进行刹车产生噪声的数值仿真。通过改变一系列参数,例如摩擦系数,刹车前速度以及制动盘的几何形状等,考察其对刹车噪声的影响。然后通过模拟结果与实验结果比较,证实了文章所提出的仿真计算模型的有效性。最后提出了制动器设计的改进建议。

关 键 词:盘式制动器  噪声  有限元法

Simulating in Brake Squeal Produced by Car Disc Brake
LIU Chang-hong,GE Pei-ming,TU San-tong,XUAN Fu-zhen,QIAN Wen-ming. Simulating in Brake Squeal Produced by Car Disc Brake[J]. Environmental Science and Technology, 2008, 31(12)
Authors:LIU Chang-hong  GE Pei-ming  TU San-tong  XUAN Fu-zhen  QIAN Wen-ming
Affiliation:LIU Chang-hong1,GE Pei-ming2,TU San-tong1,XUAN Fu-zhen1,QIAN Wen-ming3 (1.Key Laboratory of Safety Science of Pressurized System of Ministry of Education,School of Mechanical , Power Engineering,East China University of Science , Technology,Shanghai 200237,China,2.School of Aviation , Mechanics,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,3.School of Automobile Engineering,Shanghai University of Science Engineering,Shanghai 201620,China)
Abstract:With finite element analysis, brake noise in the disc brake system was built and simulated. A disc brake with squeal tendency was studied by changing parameters of disc brake system such as coefficient of friction, wheel vector and geometric shape of disc brake. Results of finite element analysis quite agreed with experimental investigation of disc brake squeal, so that the model was accurate enough in engineering application. Some suggestions of improvement design were also proposed.
Keywords:disc brake system  noise  finite element method  
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