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引用本文:徐伟嘉,余志,蔡铭,黄艳玲. 交通仿真与GIS在尾气扩散模拟中的应用研究[J]. 环境科学与技术, 2009, 32(7)
作者姓名:徐伟嘉  余志  蔡铭  黄艳玲
摘    要:以机动车尾气扩散模型为核心,采用集成微观交通仿真平台PARAMICS和地理信息系统建立城市道路交通环境模拟系统(UTESS)的方法,将交通仿真技术与GIS技术应用到机动车尾气污染扩散模拟中。以广州市为例,给出了该系统的验证过程与应用实例。文章通过模拟道路下风侧接受点逐时的CO与NOX浓度进行验证,模拟值与实测值的平均相对误差分别为25.1%和15.6%;应用实例采用UTESS模拟路网上空10m高度的CO浓度分布,模拟结果较好的反映了不同路段交通流对CO浓度空间分布的影响。

关 键 词:交通仿真  地理信息系统  机动车尾气  扩散模型

Application of Traffic Simulation and GIS Technology to Simulation of Vehicle Emission Dispersion
XU Wei-jia,YU Zhi,CAI Min,HUANG Yan-lin. Application of Traffic Simulation and GIS Technology to Simulation of Vehicle Emission Dispersion[J]. Environmental Science and Technology, 2009, 32(7)
Authors:XU Wei-jia  YU Zhi  CAI Min  HUANG Yan-lin
Affiliation:School of Technology;Zhongshan University;Guangzhou 510275;China
Abstract:Simulation system of urban road traffic pollution-UTESS which based on a vehicle emission dispersion model that integrated with microscopic traffic simulation system-PARAMICS and geographic information system(GIS)was established to simulate air pollution induced by vehicles exhaust.Taking Guangzhou for instance,hourly concentrations of COD and NOX on leeward side of street were simulated,with average relative errors of analog values compared with measured values of 25.1% and 15.6% respectively.UTESS was use...
Keywords:traffic simulation  geographic information system(GIS)  vehicle emission  dispersion model
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