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Evidence of obligate female promiscuity in a socially monogamous passerine
Authors:Frode Fossøy  Arild Johnsen  Jan T. Lifjeld
Affiliation:(1) Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1172, Blindern, Oslo, 0318, Norway
Extrapair paternity in birds has been the focus of an increasing number of studies over the last decades. Nevertheless, there is little knowledge about extrapair copulation (EPC) behavior. In this study, we investigate whether female bluethroats (Luscinia s. svecica) with no extrapair offspring (EPO) in their broods really have been sexually monogamous or if they have copulated with extrapair males. We used an experimental approach to prevent transfer of sperm from the social male during copulation by fitting a rubber tube around the cloaca of randomly chosen males. If the females mated to these males do not participate in EPCs, they will produce infertile eggs, whereas females that copulate with extrapair males will only produce EPO. We found that 87% (n=15) of the experimental pairs compared to only 36% (n=51) of unmanipulated pairs produced EPO. Our result therefore suggests that females having no EPO may still have copulated with extrapair males and that promiscuity may be an obligate sexual strategy among bluethroat females.Communicated by S. Pruett-Jones
Keywords:Extrapair copulation behavior  Paternity pattern  Bluethroat   Luscinia s. svecica
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