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引用本文:陈升国,张延松,刘建,黄志安. 管道内天然气爆炸火焰及压力波传播规律实验研究[J]. 中国安全生产科学技术, 2013, 0(10): 43-48
作者姓名:陈升国  张延松  刘建  黄志安
作者单位:[1]重庆燃气集团股份有限公司,重庆400020 [2]中国煤炭科工集团重庆研究院,重庆400037 [3]北京科技大学金属矿山高效开采与安全教育部重点实验室,北京100083
摘    要:天燃气安全不仅仅局限在企业内部,而是面向全社会,关系到社会稳定和市民生命财产安全。随着天然气市场开拓和广泛利用,庞大的管网系统和多样的用气环境给安全工作提出了更高的要求。采用理论分析、实验研究相结合的方法研究了管道内天然气爆炸火焰及压力波的传播规律。应用直径为700mm,长度为93m的管道进行了三次天然气爆炸传播实验。得出爆源点最大压力值并不是整个爆炸过程的最大值;压力波最大压力值在爆源点附近先降低,然后上升到某一峰值之后再逐渐衰减;最大压力值在衰减过程中不是单调衰减,有点起伏;随着天然气浓度的增大,其爆炸平均升压速率反而减小;随着天然气浓度的增大,其爆炸平均升压速率反而在减小;爆源附近火焰传播速度较小,上升到某一峰值后逐渐衰减。

关 键 词:管道  天然气爆炸  火焰  压力波  传播规律

Research on the flame and pressure wave propagation laws of gas explosion in pipeline
CHEN Sheng-guoI,ZHANG Yan-song,LIU Jian,HUANG Zhi-an. Research on the flame and pressure wave propagation laws of gas explosion in pipeline[J]. Journal of Safety Science and Technology, 2013, 0(10): 43-48
Authors:CHEN Sheng-guoI  ZHANG Yan-song  LIU Jian  HUANG Zhi-an
Affiliation:3 ( 1. Chongqing Gas Group Corporation Ltd. , Chongqing 400020, China; 2. Chongqing Research Institute of China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Corporation,Chongqing 400037, China; 3. State Key Laboratory of High-Efficient Mining and Safety of Metal Mines( University of Science and Technology Beijing) , Ministry of Education, Beijing 100083, China)
Abstract:The safety of natural gas should move beyond gas companies to the broad society, because it can affect the social stability and people' s life and property. As the natural gas market expands and diversifies, the ever growing pipeline network and increasing situations where natural gas is needed put challenges to the safety manage- ment. This research on the flame and pressure wave propagation laws of natural gas explosion in the pipeline by the- ory analysis, experiment research and numerical simulation. Application of a diameter of 700mm and a length of 93m pipeline for propagation of natural gas explosion experiments three times. Maximum pressure of explosion source is not the maximum pressure of whole process; the maximum pressure values of pressure wave decreases in explosion source nearby, then rises to a peak value and weakens gradually; maximum pressure value decay process is not monotonous, and has fluctuations; with the gas concentration increases, the average explosive set-up speed decreases instead; flame propagation speed near the explosion source is very small, then rising to a peak value and weakens gradually. This research provides a basis for relevant data for further revealed the propagation laws of natu- ral gas explosion in pipeline.
Keywords:pipeline  gas explosion  flame  pressure wave  propagation laws
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