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Studying ecological communities from a neutral standpoint: A review of models’ structure and parameter estimation
Authors:Champak R. Beeravolu, Pierre Couteron, Raphaë  l P  lissier,Fran  ois Munoz
Affiliation:aIRD, UMR-AMAP, TA A-51/PS2, 34398 Montpellier cedex 05, France;bInstitut Français de Pondichéry (IFP), UMIFRE MAE-CNRS 21, 11 St Louis Street, 605001 Puducherry, India;cUniversité Montpellier 2, UMR-AMAP, TA A-51/PS2, 34398 Montpellier cedex 05, France
Abstract:Neutral models provide an alternative to niche-based assembly rules of ecological communities by assuming that communities’ properties are shaped by the stochastic interplay between ecological drift, migration and speciation. The recent and ongoing interest about neutral assumptions has produced many developments on the theoretical side, with nevertheless limited echoes in terms of analyses of real-world data. The present review paper aims to help bridge the widening gap between modellers and field ecologists through two objectives. First, to provide a multi-criteria typology of the main neutral models, including those from population genetics that have not yet been transposed to ecology, by considering how the fundamental processes of ecological drift, speciation and migration are modelled and, specifically, how space is taken into account. Second, to review methods recently proposed to estimate models parameters from field data, a point that should be mastered to allow for broader applications.
Keywords:Community ecology   Community models   Dispersal limitation   Population genetics models   Parameter inference   Unified neutral theory of biodiversity and biogeography
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