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引用本文:李环. 流域管理中的公众参与机制探讨[J]. 环境科学与管理, 2006, 31(5): 4-6
摘    要:我国新<水法>明确规定国家对水资源实行流域管理与行政管理相结合的管理体制,流域管理在国家区域开发和环境保护方面占有重要的地位.就全世界而言,在流域管理的过程中充分调动社会和公众的积极性是一条成功的经验,也是一个发展趋势.本文在借鉴国外在流域管理中引入公众参与的成功经验的基础上,结合中国流域管理的现状和特点以及目前所面临的困境,对我国流域管理中的公众参与机制的创建提出若干路径.

关 键 词:流域管理  公众参与  水资源  流域管理  公众参与机制  机制探讨  Watershed Management  Public Participation  路径  困境  现状  中国  国外  趋势  发展  积极性  社会  过程  世界  地位  环境保护  开发  国家区域

The Study of Public Participation in Watershed Management
LI Huan. The Study of Public Participation in Watershed Management[J]. Environmental Science and Management, 2006, 31(5): 4-6
Authors:LI Huan
Abstract:Water Law of PRC clearly defined that our management system is watershed management combine with administration.Nationally,there are many successfully experience in public participation in watershed management and advanced management methods in watershed management in the developed countries.This paper analyzes their management approaches and the existing or forthcoming problems in China.Finally,the paper also settled on some suggested solution to the problem of public participation in watershed management.
Keywords:watershed management  public participation  water resources
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