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引用本文:王卫星,曹淑萍,李攻科,张亚娜. 津北大气干湿沉降重金属元素通量与评价研究[J]. 环境科学与管理, 2017, 42(5)
作者姓名:王卫星  曹淑萍  李攻科  张亚娜
摘    要:

关 键 词:大气干湿沉降  沉降通量  重金属元素  蓟州区

Sedimentation Flux and Its Evaluation of Dry and Wet Atmospheric Deposition of Heavy Metal Elements in North Tianjin
Wang Weixing,Cao Shuping,Li Gongke,Zhang Yana. Sedimentation Flux and Its Evaluation of Dry and Wet Atmospheric Deposition of Heavy Metal Elements in North Tianjin[J]. Environmental Science and Management, 2017, 42(5)
Authors:Wang Weixing  Cao Shuping  Li Gongke  Zhang Yana
Dry and wet deposition is an important way for harmful substances to enter the soil,and is an important factor to affect the security of farmland ecosystem.The atmospheric deposition of heavy metals in Jizhou District of northern Tianjin city has the following characteristics:(1) Annual sediment flux of heavy metal elements from large to small in turn is Zn > Pb > Cr > Cu > Ni > > As > Cd > Hg,Pb and Zn are the most important elements in the dry and wet atmospheric deposition of heavy metals,the annual sedimentation flux of mountain area is less than that of plain,which indicates that the air environment quality of mountain area is better than that of plain area,compared with the Tianjin urban district,Beijing plain area and the whole country,the annual sediment flux of dry and wet atmospheric deposition of heavy metals in Jizhou district is relatively low;(2) The Cd,Pb,Zn and Hg were significantly higher than the average value of the soil,especially the Cd,which indicated that the dry and wet atmospheric deposition may be an important source of Cd in soil;(3) According to the results of dry and wet atmospheric deposition environmental geochemical evaluation,the results of single index and comprehensive index of dry and wet atmospheric deposition are all one,which indicates that the atmospheric environment quality is very good.
Keywords:dry and wet atmospheric deposition  deposition flux  heavy metals  Jizhou District
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