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Levels of toxaphene congeners in fish from Danish waters
Authors:Fromberg A  Cederberg T  Hilbert G  Büchert A
Affiliation:Institute of Food Research and Nutrition, Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, S?borg. arf@fdir.dk
Abstract:The levels of toxaphene congeners, in addition to PCB congeners and organochlorine pesticides, were determined in various fish samples from different Danish waters. While PCB-153 and p,p'-DDE show different levels depending on the fishing area, with highest levels in fish from the Western Baltic Sea, toxaphene was detected in all the samples investigated at a more constant level. The distribution of the three toxaphene congeners Parlar #26, #50 and #62 depends on the fishing area, with the Western Baltic Sea being different from the other waters by having almost equal levels of toxaphene congeners #26 and #50.
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